The Pridelands Brawl

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Ok this is the start of the war bit, so there's violence in this + some of the following chapters - just a heads up! <3 (also Happy 2018 everybody!)

The first sighting of Pride Rock made Tarew's stomach churn with hate. 

At that current moment, the area that Fuhara stood in was clear. No fighting, no roars, just calmness. It was almost as if there wasn't even a war happening, like everything was how it should be. Everyone knew the illusion wouldn't last for long though, pain and death were right around the corner.  Even as the lions approached the landmark at a steady pace, they could already hear shouts and screams coming from the terrain ahead. The calmness of the previous area was completely shattered as they braved forwards into the battlefield. 

Almost immediately, thuds and yelps could be heard as lion were thrown across the cracked ground. Tarew gained an instant sense of panic and instinctively dropped to the floor. He was lucky in doing so, because someone had just thrown a rock at where his head had been only a few moments beforehand. He commando-crawled over to a large boulder to take cover, then he turned around and looked back at his Pride, only to find that they were already engaged in battle.

Dirt was being flung everywhere, which created vast dust clouds that hung above the battlefield. It was difficult to see through, the only visibility it had was about four meters in all directions. It stung his eyes and made them water, so he shook his head and blinked multiple times in an effort to wipe them away. 

His timing was, once again, lucky because an unfamiliar lion jumped out in front of him. The lion flailed it's arms, narrowly missing Tarew's head. It was growling, exposing its chipped fangs for the world to see. Tarew decided to mimic this, so he stuck out his teeth and scrunched up his nose. 

Without warning, Tarew jumped forwards, pouncing on the unwelcomed lion.  He wasn't stealthy enough though because it sprung back at him immediately. Luckily for him, a familiar face happened to be in their zone. 

Sufuri leaped forwards with his arms outstretched and claws sticking out

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Sufuri leaped forwards with his arms outstretched and claws sticking out. Their sharp ends got caught on the lion's long fur, which slowed him down and gave Sufuri time to attack him. It wriggled around, attempting to escape the old lion's grasp, however, Sufuri already had already raised his leg and kicked the brown lion in the ribs. 

Tarew took this opportunity to examine something peculiar he'd seen on the lion previously. Underneath its eye were two dark splodges. They didn't have any particular form, they just seemed to be there, like a birthmark.

Great. They must've teamed up with another Pride. I recognise those markings... don't they symbolise the Mazoezi Pride?

Tarew heard barking coming from behind him, so he whipped his head around so that he could see what was going on. He still couldn't see very far because of the dusty atmosphere, however, he could see the extremely faint silhouettes of hunched over creatures with matted hair.

The Lion King 4 - Tarew's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now