Delena One Last Dance "TVD S6Ep22

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Elena Saying Goodbye to Damon


(Damon is laying in the middle of the empty road, just like the night they first met in the flashbacks from The Departed and when they were hunting together in Bring It On. Elena walks up to him, still wearing her bridesmaid's dress from the wedding.)

ELENA: What are you doing?

DAMON: Waiting for you.

ELENA: (confused) On the ground where we first met?

(Damon stands up and walks toward her, trying to keep his face neutral.)

DAMON: I'm feeling symbolic.

(Damon and Elena kiss for a long moment, and then Elena pulls away)

ELENA: It's bad, isn't it?

DAMON: (hesitates) I believe you owe me a dance, Miss Gilbert.

ELENA: (concerned) Damon, just tell me. How bad is it?

DAMON: Dance with me, please.


(Elena and Damon have reunited in the road after Damon had to leave earlier)

DAMON: You could have just told me what to do.

ELENA: I knew what you were going to do.

DAMON: You knew that the evil, selfish Damon Salvatore would give up the love of his life to save her best friend?

ELENA: I knew that the love of my life would stand by his best friend, even if it meant having to live without me for a little while

(She kisses him softly, and he looks devastated).

DAMON: Things are gonna be awfully dull around here without you.

ELENA: No they're not, Damon, because you're not gonna sit around waiting for me.

DAMON: (smiles weakly) I was thinking of doing the starvation diet, because desiccation makes the time go faster...

ELENA: (gives him a look) Damon, this isn't gonna work out if you just shut down. I need you to live your life, enjoy yourself. i want you to be happy. Now, how about that dance?

(He grabs her hands and places them right on his shoulders. She pulls him towards her and she starts crying on his shoulder.

They dance song background HUNGER

One look and I can't catch my breath
Two souls into one flesh
When you're not next to me
I'm incomplete

'Cause I'm on fire like a thousand suns
I couldn't put it out even if I wanted to
These flames tonight
Look into my eyes and say you want me, too
Like I want you 🎶


(Elena and Damon are still dancing. Damon lifts Elena up and slowly lets her go down.)

ELENA: Are you ready for this?

DAMON: Ready to spend the next sixty years of my life without you in it? Who's ever gonna be ready for that?

ELENA: I love you, Damon Salvatore.

DAMON: I love you, too.

(They kiss)

(They kiss)

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