My thoughts were interrupted when someone opened the door. I quickly put the card back on the table and pretended to sleep again.

"Wake up you pabo, I know you're awake." I heard Seongyoon called and he pulled the blanket away from me and I flinched from the coldness. My back was facing him, I didn't want to see him after I fainted.

"Hey I'm sorry for what I said about your angel. I was just kidding... I never really meant what I said about her." Seongyoon apologized and I got up and face him. He got startled by my action but I just glared at him in the eye like I'm gonna rip his mouth or something.

"Than what about her? You said that she's dying!? How did you even know?!" I asked while crossing my arms. He just give me a sigh and look up at me.

"Its a long story but lets just say I can see her now. She must have used some magic powder when I was in your room yest..."

"Wait!? You were in mY room yEstErdAy?!" I questioned and he just realized what he said and tried to shrugged it out.

"Yah! Thats not important!! I just saw her and she's really different, like... not what an angel supposed to look like." Seongyoon protest and I just give him a confuse look.

"What do you mean by different?! How does she look!?"

"I don't know... her eyes were white, her hair was blood red and she was scary at first but than suddenly its like another version of her appeared and her hair was silver and her eyes weren't white anymore but I couldn't look at her that closely since she kinda covered her face with her hair the whole time. " Seongyoon said and it somehow sent chills down my spine.

"Did you..... perhaps saw her... wings?" I asked and he quickly nodded his head.

"Its was half black and half white...."

I couldn't believe what I heard. Cheonsa's changing. I often saw in books about angels having black wings are mostly fallen angels. Could she possibly.... is changing into a fallen angel....

I scratch my head in frustration. I'm lost, I don't know what to do or what am I thinking. What's wrong with my heart, I never wanted her. I was using her for my own happiness all the time. I thought that if I had everything I always wanted in my life, I would be more than happy but why.... why am I not even happy.... I have everything but why does my heart react the opposite...
Hyejin.... my first love.... I wanted Hyejin more than anything in the world but why... I have her now but I'm not even happy... I find that everything is not real...

"Listen Jangjun, I don't know what you're thinking right now but I'm telling you, she's suffering. She's hurt. She's dying. She's gonna leave you soon if you don't do something." Seongyoon said and I look at him with a painful expression. He must have figured out that I'm lost.

"Hyung...." I sniffed while trying to complete my sentence. Tears were slowly coming out from my eyes. Someone must have open the faucet in my eyes. Seongyoon patted me trying to calm me. I was seriously panicking.

"What should I do hyung? I don't know what I even want. I have everything that I've always wanted but I can't be happy..... tell me hyung... what should I do now....." I cried. I feel so useless now in front of my best friend.

"Find her..." a voice spoked and me and Seongyoon looked towards the owner of the voice and to my surprise.... it was Hyejin.

"You have to find her Jangjun!! For her sake before its too late!!" Hyejin said and came towards us in a fast pace. Seongyoon and I was still prosessing our brains.

"Hye.... Hyejin.... you knew!?!.... didn't that angel put a spell on you?? " Seongyoon asked while grabbing her shoulders in disbelief.

"Long story Seongyoon, don't bother asking me cause you won't even understand a thing I'll said." Hyejin said and push his hands away from her shoulders.

"Jangjun, I know what you did but it doesn't matter. What matters now is that you have save Cheonsa. She's in critical state and she needs you... go find her before its too late.." Hyejin said and as if its a spell, I quickly grab my bag and dashed out of the room back home to find her.

Third person's pov

"Now would you mind explaining how you escaped the spell, Hyejin?" Seongyoon asked Hyejin who was still standing near the bed after Jangjun left.

"Its complicated for you but that spell,it somehow got repelled.... and when I got my consciousness back I quickly came warn Jangjun. " Hyejin said and massage her eyes.

"I didn't know that Jangjun had the same ring as me...." Hyejin continued while looking stressful.

Seongyoon on the other hand noticed that Hyejin was different from usual. She used to have long hair but now it was until her shoulder length and her eyes used to be brown but it somehow turned to hazel brown. Which makes Seongyoon confused.

"How did the spell got repelled?" Seongyoon asked and Hyejin showed him her hand which was wearing another similar ring like Jangjuns'.

"That got repelled by my own guardian angel..."

||bAm, this story wasn't supposed to be this complicated but who am I kidding, my brain just loves popping new fresh ideas (but not popping out correct ans for my exams :v). Thx for reading, hope you enjoy.||

My Angel of Wishes ||GNCD Jangjun|| COMPLETED✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن