A child?

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Lucy POV
I opened my eyes to find two people standing above me. And is that a cat? I must be at the hospital again. But why can't i remember getting here?

Little Lucy's eyes slowly opened and focused on Natsu, Wendy, and Carla in front of her.

"L-Lucy...? Is that you?" Natsu asked hesitantly.

"Ummm yes. And who are you?" a high voice replied.

"You don't remember us? It's Wendy, Natsu, and Carla." Wendy said in a worried voice.

"I'm sorry I don't recognize you. Please forgive me. Where am I? My daddy isn't here is he?" Little Lucy asked sweetly.

They were all shocked. Lucy can't remember anything?! And why is she a child?!

"Your at the Fairy Tail guild. I don't know where your daddy is I am sorry Lucy. Why don't you rest for a little while. You've had a long day." Carla says carefully.

Lucy nodded and slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Natsu, Wendy, and Carla all walked out of the room.

"We have got to tell Master about this. Right now!" Wendy said urgently.

Natsu and Wendy ran up to down to the Main Room where Master and everyone else was there, worrying if Lucy was okay.

"Is everything alright?!"

"Is Lucy okay?"

"Is Lucy hurt badly?"

"Was Lucy healed?!"

Natsu and Wendy were bombarded with questions as they made their way to the room. They looked around nervously, thinking of how to explain what has just happened to their dear friend.

Natsu cleared his throat.

"I'm not exactly sure how to say this but... Lucy is like 6 years old or something" Natsu announced.

Wendy looked appalled and elbowed him in the chest as she realized what the others might be thinking.

"What Natsu is trying to say is... I may have used too much of my power to heal Lucy's sever injury and now she has turned into a child. I don't know how, but it happened. And now she doesn't remember anything. At least she didn't remember us. I think she only remembers her childhood and what happened before she was this age that she has now turned into..." Wendy tried to explain as best as she could.


"NANI?!!!!" The whole guild yelled.

Lucy POV

I woke up to a loud "NANI" being yelled from downstairs. What was going on?

I slowly got up from the bed and walked quietly to the door. I opened it cautiously and walked down the hallway. I made it to the steps and slowly walked down. Those people said i was in the Fairy Tail Guild building. The others in the guild must be downstairs.

I walked down the steps and made it to the bottom. There was a large group of people talking and yelling, their backs facing me. I was so scared. Were they nice people? At least daddy isn't here. I guess this is better than being at home.

I slowly made my way to the crowd of people and spotted the pink haired man from before. I'll call him Pinky. I walked over to Pinky tugged on his scarf to get his attention. He turned around and his eyes widened.

"Oh hey Luce. Your awake. How are you feeling?"

With those words, the whole group of people turned to face me. They looked very surprised. I don't know why though. Maybe i had another black eye?

"Hi Pinky" I said

Pinky's sweat dropped and it was quiet for a few seconds. Then everyone burst into laughter.

"PINKY! HAHA SHE CALLED YOU PINKY!!" A man with no shirt on yelled.

The laughter soon died down and an old short man walked up to me and examined me. I felt kinda uncomfy. 

"Do you know how to fix her?" Pinky said expectantly

What did he mean by fix me? What is wrong with me?

The old man was silent for a minute. Then he sighed and said "I do know someone who could help. But it's a 6 day journey so i'll be gone for about a week. I am going to get a potion from Grandma Syllavio. It'll take Lucy back to her normal age in no time!"

Normal age?! What the heck is he taking about? I'm so confused.

"While i'm gone, take care of her. She is just a child!" The old man said as he walked out of the building to go on his week long journey... leaving me with all these strangers....

I'm going to die aren't I?

There you go! Chapter 3! I have a plan of where i want to go with this, i promise. It's gonna get really angsty! Sorry it literally took me 2 years to update. I just lost interest for a while i guess. Thanks for sticking around!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2017 ⏰

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