0287, 17th street

33 1 3

Sylvie looked down at the address on her phone. It was the really close to the stop before her house, so she decided she would just get off there. She got on the city bus and pulled out her phone.

Hi mom. I'm going to a friends house for a bit to study. I'll be home late.

She pressed send and looked out the window. She watched the trees and buildings fly past as the bus moved. She was nervous. She really liked Nara. She was always so sweet when they texted.

The bus screeched to a stop and Sylvie stepped off. She almost slipped on the ice covered sidewalk but steadied herself and began to walk to the address on her phone.

0287 17th street
0287 17th street
0287 17th street

She reread the text a few times out loud while she studied the address numbers on the houses she passed. She saw the address she had been looking for and walked down the walkway. She walked up the steps to the front door and hesitated before pressing the doorbell. She could hear a dog bark and someone shuffling down the stairs. The door clicked open and there was a woman standing in the frame. She had short brown hair and looked like she was in her late fourties.

"Hello? Are you a girl scout?" The woman who Sylvie assumed was Nara's mother asked excitedly.

"No. Um.." Sylvie laughed a little. "No I'm here to see Nara. Is she home?"

"Oh I'm sorry!" Nara's mom laughed at herself. "She's just up in her room. Come on in sweetie."

Sylvie stepped into the house. She saw a small calico cat sitting on the arm of a couch, and a handsome golden shiba inu sitting on the floor beside it.

"Her room is just the first on the left down there," explained Nara's mom.

"Ok thank you," Sylvie smiled.

"I never asked your name dear."

"I'm Sylvie."

"You can just call me Tori."

"Okay," Sylvie awkwardly stalked down to Nara's room, not knowing what else to say.

She knocked on the door. There was a My Chemical Romance poster on the door.

"Come in," yelled Nara.

Sylvie turned the knob and pushed the door open. She saw Nara laying on her bed. Her walls were covered in posters for bands that heavily contrasted the gentle baby blue colour of the paint. Her bedsheets were a nice pastel yellow as well. You'd never guess she listened to all the metal and punk music that was covering her walls.



"Come sit," Nara beckoned, sitting up slightly and making room for Sylvie.

The bed creaked as Sylvie sat down.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have been so aggressive at school today."

"It's okay," Sylvie mumbled.

"No. No it wasn't and I'm sorry."

"I forgive you."

There was a long, but not awkward silence as they sat together on the bed. Nara sat up straight beside her.

"I shouldn't have said what I said. You're not her."

"I'm not."

"But she hurt me. She told me she loved me and she left the next day."

There was silence again.

"And I saw her everyday in the hallway and I couldn't say anything."

Sylvie put her hand on Nara's knee.

"It hurt so much every time I saw her. It still does."

Silence again.

"I'll never hurt you like that." Sylvie just barely whispered.

A tear gently rolled down Nara's cheek. Sylvie cupped her cheek and wiped away the tear with her thumb. She leaned in and carefully pecked her lips.

"I promise."

Ooooooooo boyyyyy here we gooooo

From The Moment You Flipped My TrayNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ