How to not become a Serena (while stealing her positive attributes)

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I am almost ashamed to tell y'all: but I have started watching Gossip Girl. And what's even worse: I like it. See, I had a lot of prejudices when I first heard about the show. I watched the first episode many many moons ago, and I thought: "Well, if it's just about who sleeps with who, then I think I can do without." And that is what this show is about. A lot of dating, a lot of scheming and - a whole lot of clothes!  Actually, a guy friend of mine introduced me to the show (for the second time) and told me to give it another shot. And he was right! It's relaxing (although I still cannot believe that sixteen-year-olds in New York live this wildly and then, Blake Lively does NOT look sixteen there). So here are my top tips to not become a Serena.

1) Tell the truth. - Yes yes yes. Why does every character on a TV show do this? They keep secrets from their significant other or leave out the truth. And then it comes to back to bite you. So if you don't want to make things a whole lot more complicated (only for the sake of agony and a whole lot of wasted time) - then go ahead and hide the truth.

2) Say you've changed when that's not really true. - I've just realized - this may look like I don't like Serena. NOT true. She is lovely, has ravishing looks and tries her best to be a good person. But all this talking about how her past is behind her and next thing you know, she behaves like a total prick after breaking things off with Dan? So not grown-up. While at the beginning you may have wondered how she and Blair could be friends, after a few more episodes you may know that those two are more alike than you may have thought.

Yep, those are the basic points. And now the things you can actually copy from her:

1) Be open to other people - Serena always goes up to other people - with that happy smile on her face. People just have to like her, because it's obvious she makes an effort to make people feel good in her presence. Try to give people that feeling when you listen attentively to them.

2) Dress stylishly - Like wow. Even if you don't have that wardrobe that she has (and who of us has) you can dress well for less as well. Some things she wears may not be street-ready, but then you can copy little things and incorporate it into your own style.

XOXO, you know you love me, MollieDreams

(I SO read that in the voice of Kristen Bell!)

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