Step 38: Confiding in Dylan...

Start from the beginning

Long story short to the rest of the convesation, Nick was talking to another girl on snapchat (deja vu right?!) and now Britt and Sarah hate him. Kay.

*  *  *

Yearbook signing. The last yearbook Kevin Brooks will ever sign for me.

When Kevin handed it back, I was excited to see what he had written.

Jokes on me.

"One Direction #Summer!" That's f*cking it?!

I looked at him and he burst out laughing.

It was the last I'd see of his squiggly writing.


I handed the other jocks my book then got it back to read.

The normal 'have a good summer' was inevidable.

But one stood out.

"I want an invitation to your and Kevin's wedding." was the first line of what Jon wrote in my yearbook.

I dropped my pen.

I looked at Jon in disbelief who was telling Kevin.

"Don't tell him!" I hissed at the exact moment Kevin faced me.

I almost peed myself.

"Uh yeah no I'm marrying Avery."

You know when Kevin said he was moving and I felt my heart breaking? Yeah, that was a piece of cake compared to this feeling.

You know that feeling when something goes wrong, and then it does and you almost feel guilty because it's as if you could have prevented it? That's how I felt.

I should have seen this kind of rejection coming but I didn't. I was foolish.


You could hear the dissapointment in my voice.

So he still was with Avery?

I had to have him repeat that because I just couldn't believe it.

That is rejection on the ultimate level.

I literally felt like crying and I just wanted to go to bed.

Even worse, I wanted the Earth to swallow me whole because Kevin Brook's didn't want me.

Who plans on marrying their freshman girlfriend anyways?!

She looks like a f*cking barbie doll and isn't even that cute AND still has pictures on instagram of her and her ex boyfriend!

And to top it off, she looks twelve! I bet she's hidious without makeup on! Didn't know Kevin was into the cake-face thing?

 Well just a few days ago Kevin was talking about how Avery stayed with him and his grandparents which had to be in summer since he goes there every summer.

*April 25th, 2014

Kevin had been going on and on about Avery. My ears were literally on the verge of bleeding.

And of course the girl golfs. Damn I should have taken him up on his offer when he offered to teach me earlier this year! God Selena you're so stupid!

"What's wrong?" Kevin asked me quietly when he caught my eye. His voice was so soft it was almost as if he mouthed it to me. He sort of did.

I shook my head and smiled sadly. I kept my head down, my thoughts consuming me whole, which wasn't a good thing. She was prettier. Probably smarter. She was a cheerleader too. Probably skinnier and more cordinated. Definently more corinated.

Enemies with Benefits: Freshman in TrainingWhere stories live. Discover now