Chapter 34: Just Fix It!

Start from the beginning

John brushed himself off before walking off to find Alexander. He was probably in their dorm.

"Hey, Alex, you still haven't told us the venue." John stared at Alex, who was furiously typing something on his laptop.

"What? It's a surprise!" Alex didn't even look up.

"You haven't slept for the past week."

"Sleep is for the weak!" Alex murmured.

"Okay, well," John walked over and shut the laptop lid. "Tomorrow's the big day and you need sleep."

"John, we haven't even decided on the food or the sna-" John pushed his friend on to his bed.

"I'll take care of it, just make sure you don't fall asleep during the ceremony."

"No promises."

John heard a knock at his door. "I'll get it." Alex was already asleep.

John opened the door to see Angelica.

"My sisters kinda kicked me out of their dorm?" Angie half smiled.

"Karma much? We can't stay here though, Alex just went to sleep."

"We have to get the food, so let's go find some caterers."

"Without them?"

"I know my sister like I know my own mind, you will never find anyone as picky or as blind." Angelica took her car keys out of her purse. "Let's go."



"It's only the thirty-second one." Eliza said meekly.

"I regret calling you now." Angelica snapped her phone shut and walked into the place they were sent to. It looked high-end, and Angie wasn't sure if Eliza would like it.

"I dunno John, it's not really her style." John walked over to the desk.

"Can I help you?" A dark-skinned girl with glasses asked over the counter.

"Uh, yeah, me and my, uh wife here are looking for a good caterer for her, uh, baby-shower!" John blurted out as Angelica stared with wide eyes.

"Awwwww! Zoe, get in here, these people are having a baby!" The girl called and another one popped up from behind the door.

"OHMIGOD THEY'RE EVEN CUTER THAN MY BROTHER AND EVAN!" The other girl, Zoe, walked over to Angie. "How many months?"

John, what the he-

"Two!" Angie exclaimed. "Uh, two months."

"So, where are your rings?" the other girl questioned.

"Well, we take them off occasionally so, uh, we can keep them safe?" John was making things up and he wasn't good at lying.

"Alana, show them the menu!"

"Oh right!" Alana handed them a couple sheafs of papers. "Just look over them for the weekend, and when you've decided give us a call."
"Thanks." Angelica added, smiling fakely.

"Congratulations!" Zoe waved from the window.

"YOU HAVE INVENTED A NEW KIND OF STUPID, JOHN!" Angelica scolded when they were far enough away.

"It was a fancy place, okay? I didn't think that they would let us see anything unless we had a legit excuse!" John seemed slightly peeved.

"What is with you all and pretending I'm pregnant?" Angelica huffed and got into the car.

"You play the part well." John joked.

They rode in silence before Angelica ruined it. "Okay, I can tell that we're not good."

"What do you mean? I thought that we were always like this." John said sarcastically.

"We can't keep pretending nothing happened!"

"But we were so good at it."

"I'm serious!"

John stopped the car sharply. "You want me to be serious? Fine! You chose a petty argument over me, Angelica, I don't think I can get over that!"

"It wasn't pe - " Angelica stopped herself before she realized she was on the losing end. "I'm sorry. You were right."

John looked up. "Wait, really?"

"Don't get used to it." Angelica muttered.

"No, I like this side of you." John grinned.

"I will not hesitate to slap you."

"I think you will."

"Try me."

"Okay." John kissed Angie in the car parked at the college.

Angelica was about to deepen the kiss when she saw a very ecstatic Eliza sprinting toward the car at full speed.

What do you think Eliza's come to do? 

Fun fact: WE HAVE FINISHED THE ENTIRE BOOK ON GOOGLE DOCS! We know how everything's going to end and all, except we've decided to keep you guys in suspense cos we're evil. 

Book suggestions: Definitely "Storm And Silence" ! It literally had me laughing and screaming, and basically dying throughout, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to buy the published copy just because it's so darn fabulous. 

Also, 3.1K! Whoooo! 

Thanks for reading!

- Angie, Eliza

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