Enemies To Friends? [NOT EDIT]

Start from the beginning

She looked at me with a face of "Really", before she rolled her eyes then lightly kissed my lips. Right before she pulled away, I cupped her cheeks and crashed my lips onto hers again. The kiss lasted for a good minute before we pulled away for air.

"Geez Len, I didn't know you enjoyed my kisses that much.", Rin said with a smirk of triumph plastered on her face. 

I just shrugged and smirked. I was about to say something when suddenly I heard someone burst through the door.

"THAT'S IT!", I heard someone scream. I looked over to see who it was. Just as I thought, Miku.

"Miku! Just because Kaito complimented Luka doesn't mean you have to burn the frigging door down!", I hear Galaco say with a cool, irksome tone. 


I suddenly saw Miku grab Galaco's collar and shake her like crazy. Galaco just let Miku take her anger out on her while wearing a stony face. Rin and I just stared, wondering what to do. Galaco didn't seem to mind so I guess its best just not to do anything and wait for Miku to cool down. After what felt like forever, Miku stopped, turned around, then eyed Rin weirdly. She then looked at me with a confused face on.

"Len, who is she?", Miku asked while pointing at Rin.

"Oh, that is my girlfriend.", I said in an awkward tone. 

Silence filled the room. Galaco was staring off into outer space. Miku was staring at Rin with wide eyes full of curiosity. I was frozen in place wondering what was going to happen next. Rin was just leaning against the wall, while fiddling around with a pencil, waiting for something to happen. I suddenly saw Miku run up to Rin and crush her in a huge hug. Rin, on the other hand, just put on the same face Galaco had on. I just slightly chuckled as I watched Miku squeal over Rin.

"AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, YOU ARE JUST SOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!" Miku squealed as she put Rin down.  

"My name is Miku. Miku Hatsune. What is your name?", Miku asked as she held out her hand to Rin. 

"Rin. Rin Kagami.", Rin said as she shook Miku's hand.

Me, Galaco, and Miku all talked for a bit while Rin sat at her desk doing her unfinished homework. Sigh. When will that girl ever learn to do her homework AT HOME!

"So Miku, please explain to me why you almost broke down the door.", I said with a smug tone.

"Ugh, It's all Kaito's fault! Ok so here is what happened. I was walking into school when I saw Luka and Kaito talking to each other. I walked over to where they were and started eves- dropping on them. Once I got close enough I heard Kaito compliment Luka!", Miku growled as she clenched her fist. 

Right before I could say anything else I heard the bell ring, signaling it was time for classes to begin. Miku and Galaco rushed to there sets while I just walked to mine. Rin was already at her's, so everything was ok. I watched as students poured into the halls and classrooms. I saw Mrs. Meiko come into the classroom and started taking attendance. Once she was done she started class. All of this stuff she was teaching seemed familiar. I pulled out my phone and texted Rin. Even though she is sitting next to me, its better to use a phone vs everyone hearing what your saying. 

---------- Texting (A/N: All grammar mistakes, made during texting, are on purpose. Text talk) ----------

Banana Boy: Hey beautiful.

Rin: Wut do u want Lenners

Banana Boy: I have a question.

Rin: Wut is it

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