21. є∂ιfι¢αтισи

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~I can't imagine one day without you, nor can I think of one task I can do each day without a guiding hand from you. I've become exactly what you wanted me to—and I did it on my own.~


I found myself sitting at a table in the library on Friday, my lunch sitting in front of me. I had my notebook where I was writing some details down for the book I was planning whilst waiting for the rest of the writing group to come along.

Mrs Lynn was in attendance today, but she said that this was a really laid back day because all we were doing was writing an introduction to each other since this was the first meet up of the year.

I couldn't name the last time I was reasonably excited for something that had to do with school. But this was exciting. I couldn't wait for this to begin.

People began coming in and sitting at the table with me, silently pulling out notebooks similar to my own and tapping their pencils against the table in a nervous fashion. I raised an eyebrow, but continued writing while I ate my lunch. There wasn't many of us, but there was a few and once Mrs Lynn was satisfied that everyone had gotten in, she walked up to a podium that hadn't been there before the meeting today, and tapped her pen on the podium with a smirk.

"Hello boys and girls. This is the writing club for the county—not just the school. If you're here, your teacher has seen a potential in you that is exceeding of just the regular writing class. The spaces for this class are overfilled—you ten are the first pick for the club." She explained, smirking at me. "For your first assignment in this club, you'll be writing an introduction about yourself. You have half an hour to do so, the second half hour will be spent reading them aloud one at a time. Please do not exceed five hundred words, each of you will only have about four to five minutes to read." She said, and I smiled.

I can do this.

Hi my name is Ashton Carter. I don't ex...

That's terrible.

I'm Ashton Carter, but you can call me Ash. I don't live at home anymore—

Nope. That's utterly terrible.

I like peanut butter, chocolate chips and chains and whips...

I giggled a bit, biting my lip as my cheeks heated up. I looked up, seeing the other people glance at me like I'd lost my mind. Well, I mean... obviously I haven't. I'm sitting here with them doing something just like they are. And I bet theirs will be this monotone one hundred word paragraph about who they wish they were.

Okay, there we go. I'm getting somewhere.

I know what a lot of people are expecting me to put here. You all want a monotone answer to the quest, who are you, because for some reason we're all so freaking afraid of being who we are. Well, I'm not anymore.

I'm Ashton Carter. I'm eighteen. I am gay, and I'm not ashamed of it. I love who I am. I have a boyfriend, and I love to write. I live with my boyfriend instead of at home with my parents.

All in all, I'm pretty freaking special in this town and I'm damn proud of it.

I smiled a bit, sitting my pencil down on the desk and tapping it anxiously. I knew that either this was going to be amazing or a complete disaster and I have no idea which to expect. I know that I don't want everyone to think I'm a raging douche bag at all—that's partly why I'm so scared.

I know that there's nothing that I can do if they don't like me. I'll just be miserable in this never ending circle of dislike.

I sighed deeply, closing my eyes.

Sissy Boy (ManxBoyxBoy) ⎰⛑⎰Where stories live. Discover now