It's getting harder and harder for me to contain this loneliness in my heart, i tried to distracted it to no success. I still think of him.

In the end of the show i would hang out with friends and do antything to avoid going home early. There were just too much things to reminds me of him, and i would cry over the silliest thing.

White's POV

My heart's in a turbulence now, i'm going home today with the first flight to Bangkok. I really wanted to hug him again, feel his warm breaths against mine, and being the proud boyfriend who becomes the only person who can hold his hand in public.

Oh, yes i'm a proud boyfriend. Who wouldn't? I'm envied by many person who wanted to get close to him or making him their boyfriend. Who wouldn't want that beautiful creature with a beauty can compare to only a handful of people, the kind soul who's loyal to his loved ones? No body in their right mind could reject him.

So i wanted to check in to the airport as soon as possible to avoid getting late. But when i got out from the hotel i was trapped inside a huge traffic jam. There was a massive labor demonstration which took place and we have to re route, and it makes me name every wild beast in the jungle.

By the time i got to the airport, i was four hours late and the plane was already took off. I was devastated, not to mention i forgot my phone charger in my luggage making it impossible for me to contact Captain.

I cursed over my stupidity. I cursed all the people around me although i know that it's not their fault. I just want them to feel miserable like i do. The next flight was over 12 hours from now and i have to stay in the airport to make sure i won't be late!

I watch airport television out of boredom because here in the private lounge there is simply nothing else to do. But what i see was making my heart in a chaos. The plane i was supposed to be in is now lost from the radar, and probably fell or having an crash somewhere unknown.

That was bad! that's a very bad news and i have to let everybody knows that i'm okay or else they would be devastated. I remember that i asked Captain to picked me up in the airport at one specific hour, and he must be waiting for me right now. I can almost see his worried face waiting restlessly in the airport. Bae, i'm sorry i couldn't contact you.


Captain's POV

This day is P'White's day of arrival, so ofcourse i jumped out of bed so early in the morning to get prepared. I wore his favorite shirt, his favorite pants, even his favorite perfume. I smiled imagining him run to me like a mad man and we will hugged like our bodies were glued to each other. Even by imagining that could send my heart over the edge. I can feel that thumping sound in my heart again, as if i fell in love for him ever again.

I went to the airport with Namtarn and P'Earthlees, which drove us to the airport cheerfully. We were waiting for his arrival in a private lounge and having the time of our lives.

But then the airport TV aired something, about some plane went off the radar on the way to Bangkok. And it was from China, where P' supposed to be in. We stood up instantly, and i took my phone shakily trying to find the ticket which P'White sent me earlier via Line connection.

I hope, i wish, it wasn't matched. I wish i didn't know the flight schedule, i wish i haven't come to this place. But it never come true. It was a match, the flight number. My stomach tightened and i felt the urge to throw up. I ran to the rest room as fast as i could and throw up in the toilet.

This couldn't be happening. It's not true, only in my mind. If i come back there everything will be back to normal. P'White..He'll be alright. He'll be alright and he will come to me again with a smile on his face. He will hold me in his arms and soothe me and say all the cheesy thing about us.

I open the restroom door only to find P'Earthlees behind it, his sullen expression stated what's in his mind. I refuse to believe him, i pushed him aside. But he grabs me by my shoulder and lifted my face towards him.

"Captain. You have to be strong. Please hang in there."

Who needs to be strong? Am i not strong before? haven't always be strong? In my heart i know that it's not true. I'm strong because P'White always supported me. Because he's always by my side. My eyes are getting blurry and my whole body was shaking, as P'Earthlees brought me to his embrace.

I'm afraid. I'm so afraid. I hold him to give me some support, but my fear is clutching at my heart and won't let go. I cried on his shoulder, silently, and whisper over and over again that it can't be true.

I don't know how but the news spread like an open fire. Everybody suddenly knows about my whereabout, and i was surrounded by the press.

"Captain, is that true that White is on the plane?"

"Captain, how do you feel? do you believe that he's still alive?"

"Captain, why did he has to go to China? is he avoiding you?"

All the question directed to me were making me dizzy and i let P'Earthlees to answer those question. I really lost it this time.

P'White, my love, are you really leaving me this way? without the chance to say goodbye? Without being able to hold your hands for one very last moment?

I want him. I need him more than ever now, right here and right now. I have cope up with my feeling after my parents accident, but can i cope up now?

After so many hours passed and so many relatives of the passengers gathered inside the airport, we were told to stay to confirm the passenger's manifests.

P'White's parent's were amongst all the relatives, and they were in no better condition from me. They were sobbing hard as so many news announced the dissapearance of a flight with a famous actor on board.

Hours and hours passed, we were waiting for the call to confirm P'White's manifest, when suddenly an announcement were made to call us.

We walked hand in hand to strengthened ourselves, as we walked to the room which separates us from the office.

And when we opened the door, one person standing behind it, looking tired but as dazzling as ever, and smiled to me that gorgeous smile.

It's him. It's simply him, an ordinary person, a real person. But for me he's more than just a dream. I ran to the dream of the dream, and fall to his embrace. This must be a lucid dream, and i finally found him. God has answer my prayer, he has come back to me.

"Don't ever leave me, P'. Don't walk away from me again, don't ever dare to leave without permission. I'll never let you go, P'. Please don't leave.." I cried so much that my tears soaked his coat. He pat my head gently, and hold me tightly in his embrace.

"I'm here, baby. Shhh...don't cry..This is me, your hubby.."

And we were glued to each other, never letting go. Just me, just you, simply us.
another hard chapter to write 😆
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