My nightmares

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 Sunset's Pov:

"Sunset? You okay?" I shook my head and looked at Twilight wide-eyed. "Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine." Twilight looked at me and sighed nodding her head. "Okay." I didn't like lying to her but ever since I started that job with Flare I've been having bad nightmares. I've woken Twilight up a few time with my nightmares. Usually from my screams and kicking and punching. I almost hit Twilight in my sleep.

She knows I've been having nightmares but she doesn't know how bad they've been affecting me. Flare has me on break right now because I almost got us killed the last mission we went on and she was not very happy with me in the slightest.

Starlight and Trixie went to spend some time with Trixie's parents and Bon-Bon and Lyra went on a trip to California for a while. Twilight has been trying to talk to me since they left but I have just been pushing her away. I know that at some point I will make her snap again. Like I did the last time. 

We were sitting in the living room watching T.V. when Twilight leaned herself on me asleep. I was going to move her off me but she stopped me. "Stop pushing me away sunset and let me have this." I looked at her and sighed. "Fine." 

I wasn't trying to be cold towards her but with how tired I am my emotions are out of control. I was about to fall asleep my self when Flare came barging in clearly not happy. 

"Sunset Shimmer! You better explain to me why you have been acting weird lately! You pushed Twilight and your friends away! You've been having nightmares and you've almost gotten us killed! Start explaining now!"

The louder Flare's voice got the more scared and smaller I became. I tried to hide in Twilight but she pushed me away wanting the same thing Flare wanted; An explanation.

I sighed and stood up looking down. "What's been going on is that I can't handle killing people or seeing people get hurt. Flare I'm grateful that you want to help me but that job has been more than just helpful. It's hell and I can't live in that kind of hell. At night I hear their screams for help and I see myself turning into a monster. You are strong enough to not become one but I'm not. Not when I know that one day I could leave and leave Twilight all alone." 

Flare was looking at me in shock and stepped towards me making me back up. "No. You want to know what's wrong. I can't live in your world Flare. Twilight gave up everything for me and I feel like I'm taking it for granted and when I die I won't be able to thank her. It will be too late and worst of all I'm putting Twilight in danger!"

Flare was staring at me but directly at me. It's like she couldn't look me in the eyes. Twilight grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight. I squeezed back in return but didn't meet her gaze. "Flare, I know this is your place but please leave. And I'm quitting the job. I'm done with these nightmares and I'm done putting the ones I love in danger."

Flare nodded and walked out without a word. I sat back down with Twilight and sighed. "I didn't want to yell at her and I didn't want to kick her out but I can't think with her here. She'll always be family but right now she needs to give me spaces." Twilight nodded and rested her head on my shoulder. I smiled and put my arm around her. "This is what I miss every day when I'm gone."

"I miss it too and you as well." Twilight kissed my cheek causing me to smile. "You always smile with the littlest of things Sunset." I looked at her and placed a quick kiss on her lips. "Because the littlest things are caused by you and your my only source of happiness now." I kissed her forehead and turned my attention back to the T.V.

"I love you, Sunset."

I smiled, "I love you too, Twilight."

"Looks like I hit the jackpot."

I looked to my left and saw a woman in all black and hiding her face. Before I could get up and attck and defend Twilight. I was hit in the head with something. I heard Twilight screaming my name before I blacked out from the pain. 


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