Well that was an interesting day

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Sunset's pov:

I was having an amazing dream until I heard an ear- piercing  scream come from the kitchen, which of course made me fall out of my bed and hit my head on my nightstand. I hear hurried foot steps coming to my room and my door slam shut and saw twilight jump on my bed and hide under the covers. "Um, Twilight? Are you okay?" She didn't answer me, no instead she hide more in the covers. I sighed and stood up and climbed under the covers and hovered over twilight. "What's wrong twi?"

"Th..there's a spider in the kitchen. And it looked at me with its soul sucking eyes and crawled towards me." I was about to get out of the covers and go kill the spider but twilight grabbed me making me slip and my face buried in her breasts. My cheeks were burning red and I'm sure i looked like a tomato. "U..ummm Twilight. Can I g...get up please?" She finally released me and let me leave to kill the spider.

As I was walking out of the room, Twilight stuck close to me clinging to the back of my shirt. Once we got in the kitchen she ran back to my room, well I guess technically our room since she only sleeps in there and refuses to sleep anywhere else. I will never understand that girl. After I killed the spider I walked back to my room and didn't see twilight. I shrugged and went to take a shower.

I grabbed my cloths and walked to the bathroom and closed the door and turned around, "Ah!" quickly covering my eyes I saw twilight trying to get her cloths on without a towel. "twilight get a towel I cant see what I'm doing."

"Isn't that because you have your eyes covered?"

"Yes, but that's because your practically naked twilight!" I guess it took her a minute to realize she wasn't dressed and quickly grabbed a towel after I pointed to the closet behind her still refusing to look until she's covered.

"Okay, I'm covered."

I uncovered my eyes and glared at her, "Twilight do you not know how to lock doors?!" I guess my words hurt from the look on her face. I was stupid enough to not realize that in Equestria they don't lock doors so of course she wouldn't even know what that is. I sighed and hugged her forgetting she was just in a towel. "Sorry Twilight, I forgot your not from my world. And not familiar with any of the stuff we do."

"It's fine Sunset. I forgive you. I'll learn your customs soon but until then be patient please. I'm trying...never mind it's not important just be patient with me." She smiled at me which made me feel weird. I shrugged it off and smiled back, "Why don't we go take a walk for a bit. After I shower of course."

"That sounds nice. I'll finish changing in your room so you can shower." After she walked out I stripped down and got in the shower t didn't take long for me to be clean again though.

*2 hours later*

Showing Twilight around town was fun but also amusing. Almost every building she saw she was fascinated by. Her expressions and reactions were so cute, wait what? Anyways,It was fun walking around with Twilight until Twilight saw Flash her reaction surprised me though.

"Oh no, it's Flash. Quick hide me I don't want to talk to him or be seen by him" She quickly hide behind me, lucky for her I'm taller than her. So it wasn't so hard to hide her. "What's going on? I thought you liked him?" I whispered to her still walking while Flash walked past me thankfully not seeing Twilight. "I did like him but my feelings for him kinda disappeared and were replaced by someone else." 

"Huh? By who?" She looked at me and giggled, "That's for me to know and for you to find out." She started walking away leaving me behind and confused but also anxious. 'Hm, I wonder why I'm like this all of a sudden.... All well.' "Hey twilight wait up"

Chasing her around for a bit and talking about magic and our friends and how each other's worlds were doing we finally made it back to my apartment. I grabbed my keys out of my pocket and unlocked the door standing to the side so Twilight can walk in first. I walked in behind her and closed the door locking it back up. "How about order us some pizza? There a specific one you want?" 

"No, any of them will be fine." I nod and walk into the kitchen to get the number and call them ordering a pepperoni pizza. Once I ordered the pizza I walked back into the living room and looked at twilight who was standing there awkwardly and staring at me, "You okay?"

She nodded and walked towards me, "You know how i said someone else replaced my crush on Flash?" I nod my head looking confused and worried. "Well can you not tell anyone about that. The girls bothered me about Flash as it was. I don't want to go through that again."

I smile and hug her,"Your secret is safe with me trust me." We stayed like this for awhile and oddly enough I didn't want to let go. It felt like if I let her go I'd lose her forever, but feeling and thinking that made me confused.

After awhile, we got our pizza and decided to watch a horror movie. She never saw any of the Saw movies so we decided to watch that. After a few movies I found her cuddling me and shaking. I giggled and looked at Twilight, "You want to watch something else or go to bed now?"

She shook her head and tightened her grip on me after seeing someone get brutally killed. "N..No I'm f..fine." I giggle and put my arm around her and give her a side hug, "It's okay Twi, I'm here and I won't let the Saw puppet get you." She glared at me and I couldn't help but laugh. I fell off the couch and she threw a pillow at me while I died of laughter

Finally done laughing I stand up and turn the T.V. off and picked up Twilight who some how fell asleep while I died and laid her down. I got in bed as well and immediately she cuddled up to me. "I think I'm starting to like you Twilight and not just as a friend. But.....I think I can get use to it." Smiling and wrapping Twilight in my arms I fall asleep thinking about twilight .


So guys, what'd ya think. I know the title says "You're not a bad person Sunset" and right now shes happy and stuff, but give it time eventually an unknown character will appear and change that. Next chapter Trixie and starlight will be introduced into the story they wont be main characters like sunset and twilight but they'll appear in the story like Flash and the girls. Sunset and Twilight, Out!

Trixie: Hey you told starlight and I that we'd appear in this chapter.

Starlight: And here she goes with the whining.

Midnight:It's fine Starlight. Sorry Trixie but when i started typing a different idea popped in my head, but you two will defiantly will appear in the next chapter. Promise.

Trixie: Yay!

Starlight: Whiny, but cute.

Trixie: *Blushes* I hate you sometimes

Starlight: I love you too. XD

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