
We arrived at our location, we're in postition around the driver's apartment building but it's a nightmare.

"This is the plan, we take the driver, interegate him and make him give us Well's location." Adam said threw the radio as I walked around.

"All right. Preach, got any movement in that apartment?" Adam asked as Preach and McG we're in the roof of the bulding next to it.

"The signal is not very strong. There's defenetly multiple voices though." Prech answered back to Adam.

"Exucse me, how much could I get for these?" I asked a lady as I looked at a bag of chips.

"Fifty cents." The lady asnwered back as we exhange money with the bag of chips.

"Ellie, focus on the mission and stop being fat." McG said rudely threw the radio.

"Shut up, I'm a women so I can multi task." I answered back before opening my bag of chips.

"Guys focus." I heard Jaz say as I nod, eating my potato chips.

"All right, well, we can't wait around here anymore. Amir, Jaz, as soon as those kids clear the square, I want you to start your approach. Ellie, you'll be backup." Adam said to the radio as I got mad.

"Backup? I'm never back up, it's always me and Jaz." I whispered into the radio so nobody will notice me.

"Hahah." McG laughed.

"Shut up, this is why I don't like you." I yelled at McG before some people looked at me.

"I'm sorry." I said as I pretended to be talking to the person next to me.

"Wonder if I have kids." I heard McG say.

"Really, bro?" I heard Preach say, I really don't know how he can keep up with McG.

"What? I wouldn't be the first guy to get a call like that, beside I think I'll be a great dad." McG said as I laughed.

To be disgread I took my phone out and out it in my ear to look like I'm on the phone.

"That's waht you deduced?" I heard Preach say.

"First of all, nobody ever will like to have sex with you so I doubt you'll be a dad and second of all if you we're a dad, you'll probably kill your child in less than 24 days." I said to McG.

"I actually agree with Ellie." Jaz said as I giggled, girl power.

"I dated this single mom once. I think stuck around for the kid more than anything. I liked the way he looked at the world, you know? It was all innocent, asking questions, no clue how bad it really is." McG said.

This is actually a bit sweet.

"You ever think maybe it was the kid who had things figure out as they are; you're the one that needed the adjustment?" Preach said.

"Now this sounds more like McG." I say as I heard Adam chuckled.

"No, Preach, I didn't. Stop with that spiritual jujitsu you do where I say something and then you turned it around on me.Also Ellie, I didn't ask for your option so why are you talking?" McG said as I keeped eating my chips.

"You always need my option. Only you, I can actually make good decisions and shoot the target and not around it." I told McG as I heard Amari chuckled.

"All right, Amir, Jaz,you're clear. Remember keep your head on a swivel. Anyone could be a hostile." I heard Adam say before I say Amir and Jaz  go do their thing.

The Brave~ Amir and McGWhere stories live. Discover now