My Troubled Shifter

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Zach's P.O.V.

I growled at him as he approached; in my cat form such a feat wasn't difficult.

"Hush now, I won't kill ya unless ya deserve it ." Lexi gasped at this, and moved to step forward before he-- Henry, I mentally corrected myself --held up his hand to ward her off.

He bent in a crouch, and held his hand up in an approachable manner. I, of course, gave him the liberty of a good long sniff. Even though there was no need for such things, I could smell what he was the second the door popped open. He must have found my acting amusing, because a faint smile played on his lips. A slight movement, that any other creature would not have caught. Then, in a sudden movement, he scooped me up. Before cradling me in the crook of my arm, purposefully dug my claws in, but he only smiled stroking my fur.

I swear to god, I'm going to kill you. I thought, as I squeezed my claws harder in to his flesh, flicking my tail back and forth.

"Henry, give him here." Lexi said with a sigh, holding out her arms. I released my claws at once, sliding them back into their sheath. I heard Henry grunt, as I slid into her soft agile arms. Only then, did I dare cook up a soft purr. Henry looked at me with a puzzling expression, it seemed as if he might be working out whether or not to reach over and snap my little neck, or even possibly thinking about letting me go scott-free. Which, mind you, would be the least likely scenario in the best situation.

"Temperamental bitch ain't he?" Henry said at last.

"Yeah?" She said uncertainly, slowly shifting her weight from one foot to another.

"Just be sure he doesn't make any holes in the upholstery." He paused in thought. "If he does, Miss Lexington, you'll be held accountable. Just think if your mother were to come home and see her expensive furniture ruined, Hmm?" I felt Lexi shudder at the thought.

"I don't even want to think about that right now. Mom's already going to give me hell as it is."

"Yeah, I'm sure she will. Ain't she come 'n back this Thursday?"

"Oh crap, that's right! I totally forgot about that."

I had to mentally swear at myself. Today's what...? Saturday. That doesn't leave much time.


Lexi's P.O.V.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep

The tone of my alarm clock bounced off the inner walls of my brain. I groaned and moved my hand to swat at the snooze button. It was no wonder the touch of fur startled me.

Damn cat... I sighed and glaced at the clock, eyes widening as I saw the time. Throwing the bed covers to the floor, I made haste. I was late. Again. And, Alase didn't care for excuses either. I imagined what his expression would be upon my arrival and grimaced. Running the brush through my hair for the final time I grabbed my keys and was gone. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2017 ⏰

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