First Encounter

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I collapsed onto my bed  sighing in relief, I was full. I made supper quick and easy,  just a can of soup, but it was enough. I was in the midst of nodding off into the land of blissful sleep when something heavy landed on my stomach, and crept up to my face. I could feel it breathing on my face. I snapped my eyes open and yelled.

"Damn cat!" The shock of the cat was evident in the way he jumped from my chest and landed somewhere on the floor. I close my eyes again, this time listening. I heard nothing for a minute, but then..

"Mrr-ow?"  I felt the bed move in the slightest and I knew, he was right there to my left. He nuzzled my still arm and I opened my eyes and turned my head to look at him. 

"Whaaat?" I complained in a whiny voice. I only did this because he was looking at my with that expression that only animals can master. I was clear-- He wanted something. He nudged my arm once more, making me sit up, because I knew he wasn't going to leave me alone. He jumped off the bed with a graceful hop meaning to lead me, while I sat there with amusement letting him think I following him. At some point, half way across the kitchen, he apparently noticed I wasn't following him. He looked at me, sat down, licked his white puffy chest, and resumed staring at me intently. I couldn't help it, I just busted up laughing. If looks could kill, I'd be very dead. Still giggling to myself, I got off the bed and followed the cat into the kitchen. As soon as I entered the kitchen the cat began pawing at the refrigerator-- his problem became apparent. 

"I ain't  got any kitty food here. Remember the whole no cats allowed thing?" He stopped pawing at the fridge. 

"Mrrr-ow..."  He complained. I swear, for a cat, he's ubr talkative, I think to myself. 

"Fine. I'll check the cupboards , but no promises." I said wagging a finger, before touching his nose. His cute little whiskers curled foreword to meet my touch. I poked him softly, before I took my finger away, and started toward the cupboard, to hunt for nonexistent cat food. 


An hour later, I pulled out a dusty can of cat food. I looked it over with a grimm expression. 

"Bud, I don't know if cat food has an expiration date, but this one's definitely past due." Then all of a sudden the so, patient cat became not so patient, and began pawing at my leg. 

"Alright  fine. But don't don't blame me if you get an upset stomach." I said, popping the can open with my index finger. I set the can on the ground, and in mere seconds he was on it. No sniff first, nothing. I, of course, watched with limited interest for a moment before lowering myself to the ground, using the cabinet to prop myself up. 

After licking the can clean, he nudged the can myway with his nose. I sighed.

"There is no more, kitten. You ate it all." With a puff of his chest, he abandoned the can and walked over to my lap. 

"You know, I can't keep calling you kitten. You're eventually going grow out of that." I paused and thought a minute. 

"Even if I can't keep you, someone will. They're going to ask what your name is. What will I tell 'em? Yes, he responds to all the typical cat calls, but no, he doesn't have a name." I said the last part with a sleepy smile. I don't know when it happened, but I eventually fell asleep gazing into those emerald, green cat eyes. 


"My name is Zachary...." A voice whispered in my head.


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