First Touch

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Zach's P.O.V.

I couldn't resist her sleeping face, perhaps I should have, but, oh well.

"My name is Zachary. " I whispered into her ear. 

"Mmm?" She responded. Her head rolled to the side and her long eyelashes twitched. I froze, becoming stiller than a statue. Not even daring to breathe. Being still was something I was good at but, I was taking no chances. She wasn't ready to know me. And she obviously didn't  know who she was. 

Damn. Why me? Why not some other fae?  I ask myself. 

Are you complaining?  A voice answered. 

No, I sigh audibly, I just don't like the situation, that's all. I finally move away from the girl, seeing that she's fallen back asleep, to another room in the household. By the look of it, it was most likely the parent's room. It was empty, and looked as if it had been in that state for quite a while. 

What parent in their right mind would leave a child alone? Without any visible aid. Especially considering who she was.

A knock pounded the door echoing throughout the house, I panicked and glanced and the alarm clock sitting on the dresser. It read: 2:46 a.m. I knew no sane person would come knocking at this ungodly hour. I dropped to the floor just as the pounding knock rocked the building once more. 


Lexi's P.O.V.

I was somewhere in a mystical forest when I heard the loaded knocking imaginable. About three large pounds on a door later, and I'm awake and whining about the hour as I pull open the door to reveal a very upset landlord. 

Ok, maybe upset wasn't the right word. Henry looked like he was ready to choke the life outta someone. And it wasn't hard for him to look that way either. The guy was big. Like "The Rock" big, only difference was that henry had more hair and less of a tan. Henry wasn't bad look'n either, his long dark brown hair was draped over his shoulder, and his eyes were a gorgeous milk chocolate-gold mix.  

"Yes, Henry?" I said impatiently, "What is it that you want?"

"Lexi, what the hell is that thing?" Henry seethed, pointing behind my shoulder.  I looked over my shoulder and cursed, which caused Henry to raise an eyebrow at me. 

"It's a cat." I replied. 

"And why is there a cat in your house?" He bit the end off of cat, like it was some sort of disgusting gunk you would not prefer to describe to anyone else. 



"It was freezing and hungry and I couldn't leave it out in the rain." I told him. Henry sighed, and rubbed the back of his neck as if working out a kink. 

"Let me see him." He said, suddenly looking at me with an intense gaze. 

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