Tempest Trials

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Me: *doing the Tempest trials in FEH*
FEH: *a team with Odin, Selena, Eliwood and Maria pop up*
Me: *defeats all but Eliwood and Odin with Brave Ike, brave Lucina, Brave Roy, and Maria*
Odin: *shoots magic at Lucina*
Eliwood: *Kills Lucina*
Roy: Dad! Why'd you kill my wife?
Eliwood: because she's the enemy
Roy: *kills Eliwood and Odin with the help of Ike* This is what you deserve father

A few minutes later....

Roy: *sobbing about his dad* *dies at the hands of Est*
Me: ....

What really happened:

Lucina died because of Odin and Eliwood. Ike and Roy killed him, and then Roy died.

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