Happy Thanksgiving

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Thank you so much for your positive response on the first one shot, which lead us publish this!

Gems had finally found the bunny safe and he, with full care, put it with other bunnies. Being a care taker it was his responsibility. He was feeding a kitten which was interrupted by a fake cough.

Gems looked up and his eyes again met with those dark eyes, which he saw yesterday.

“You need something, um?” Gems spoke. It was like a sweet melancholy for Gray's ears.

“Gray. Gray Fullbuster​. I was just passing by and I remembered Mira telling me that you worked her, so I came to say Hi?” Gray's cheeks were turning pink as he spoke and heard a giggle in response.

“Gems D'Cruz here, but you can call me Gems. Nice to meet you, oh and by the way, I loved the cream salad you made for me!” And from pink, Gray's cheeks were now red.

“If you loved it that much, than this might be a surprise for you!” Said Gray as he lifted the bag which he has been holding, showing it to Gems. “Your favorite cream salad!” He added causing Gems's​ eyes to sparkle.

“Really!? You just made this specially for me?” Gems asked surprisingly as he took the bag and saw the packet of cream salad. “That's so nice of you!” Gems bowed as he saw Gray nodding.

“So I-I-I I'll leave now..” Gray told as he gave a small smile and took a step backwards before opening the first two buttons of his shirt.

“Hey! You can stay here! We both can eat this! I'm not that mean and hungry.” Gems giggled. “Come on let's go somewhere else to eat, no here with kittens and pups!” Gems grabbed Gray's and montioned him to come with him.

“Thanks!” Gray spoke. They went a bit far from Gems's​ working place and when they spotted a huge tree, they immediately went and sat under it. When Gems realized he was still holding Gray's hand, he blushed and quickly released it.

Gems hungrily opened the food packet and without even wasting a second started stuffing it in his mouth. Gray hardly got two or three pieces. Gems thanked Gray for the cream salad with his mouth full causing Gray to sweat drop.

“Gray! I loved it!! Thank you so much!” Gems told as he wiped his mouth.

“My pleasure! But hey there's a bit of a cream left on your face.” Gray told him. Gems tried to remove but was wiping the cheek causing Gray to giggle. Gray leaned in and licked the cream off Gems's cheek causing both of them to blush.

There was something which brought both of them together and they both leaned it starring deeply into each other's orbs. Soon their lips brushed against and then their was the kiss. Gray and Gems were kissing sitting under a tree.

Gray wrapped his hands around Gems and pulled him on his lap. While Gems's​ hand found their way to Gray's hair as his legs were firmly wrapped around Gray's torso. Cruel Air caused them to break their kiss. As soon as the starring contest ended Gems saw that Gray was shirtless, causing him to blush and look away.

Since then Gray and Gems had been secretly meeting in isolated places for some time. During this time they had become quite intimate and could no longer envision a life without each other.

However, neither was quite ready to announce their relationship publicly or to their families. This did not prevent their love from growing deeper. In fact, if anything, it actually nourished their love as they spent a great deal of time together and away from the complications other persons would present.

They would meet after work or magic training in secluded locations away from prying eyes. They had become quite adept at making excellent use of the minimal time they had on these occasions. The boys could almost read each other’s minds and they used this to its maximum advantage.

GrEms One-Shots (Gray Fullbuster X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now