"Come on, Lay's waiting at the studio."

Sehun nodded as he watched his boyfriend stradde his bike before shortly following suit. Kai didn't miss how Sehun's hands rested loosely on his waist, his body not nearly close enough for his liking. After starting up his bike, he took Sehun's hands and tightened them around his waist, pulling the other flush against his back as Sehun let out a little surprised yelp.

"That's a lot better. And warmer," Kai grinned, looking back over his shoulder at his flushed boyfriend.

"Yeah, whatever," Sehun muttered and rested his head on Kai's back, making the other sigh happily before pulling out of the driveway.

When they arrived at the studio, there was already loud music bursting from the inside. They stepped in to find Lay immersed in a dance routine, having not heard them entering over the sound of the music. Sehun was taken aback for a moment by the other's dance skills, his moves sharp and powerful yet smooth at just the right times. It wasn't like he didn't watch his videos with Kai but his eyes were always so fixated on the latter, he never really noticed how good Lay was. But without Kai to distract him this time, he was really beginning to see Lay's charm shine through his movements.

Kai watched Sehun quietly for a minute before calling his friend out loudly over the music.

"Lay, we're here!" He made his way to the stereo system to turn the music down, Lay having halted his movements when he realized they were there.

"Oh hey, took you long enough," Lay chuckled, before turning to Sehun who was now shyly staring down at the ground, pretending to be distracted. He walked over to him and held out a hand, a friendly smile on his face, "Glad you made it today, Sehun. Kai never really bothered introducing us, I'm Lay."

"S-Sehun," he said in a quiet voice, fidgeting slightly.

Lay chuckled, "Yeah, I realized." He retracted his hand, seeing as the younger didn't shake it. He didn't think much of it though, he already knew from Kai that Sehun wasn't very social.

"Come on, let's start already," Kai said, taking off his jacket, "We'll run through the choreography once before shooting."

"Okay," Lay nodded, making his way over to the stereo system. Kai walked over to his boyfriend who was still standing there awkwardly and smiled at him affectionately.

"Don't be so uncomfortable, you'll get used to Lay soon enough. He's one of the most friendly and humble people I know," he said softly, taking both of Sehun's hands in his, "Why don't you go sit down? And you can tell me if you get bored okay?"

Sehun shook his head, "No, I've always wanted to watch you dance. In real life I mean. I'm glad you invited me over today."

Kai smiled, "Great," he ruffled his hair and winked at him, "enjoy the show then."

Sehun rolled his eyes, before going over to the couch in the corner. His eyes drifted to Lay who was eyeing Sehun with a curious look, but quickly smiling when he noticed him looking and turning to Kai.


Through the two hours that Sehun was sat in the studio, he realized that those YouTube videos really didn't do the dancing pair justice because watching them live was a completely different story. Kai was simply breathtaking, he exuded confidence and it didn't help that this particular routine had a hell of a lot of body rolls and ahem moves. And sometimes he found the guy glancing at him and smirking, and it was totally not okay because it definitely had him feeling some type of way. He couldn't help but let his already dirty imagination go to all sorts of places, that involved Kai doing... things... to him. Of course he'd stop himself before that got any further and decided to give Lay some attention as well, which he later came to realize was well-deserved. They both had a different style, Lay's moves were sharper, more polished, and were filled with confidence. He was a perfectionist, and it was clear that he was passionate about his art from how well-executed each move, heck each twitch of a muscle was. Kai however, Kai was sultry, charming, downright seductive. Granted, his skill was nothing to sneeze at either, but while not as polished as Lay, he was definitely a performer and once he caught your eye, it was almost impossible to look away.

The Me In Your Canvas [SeKai]Where stories live. Discover now