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    We marched towards our destination which was right in the middle of nowhere. The sound of horns Kuro always used to ward off the spirits was sounded in the distance. Clearly, he didn't want us here. But that won't stop me in the slightest bit. In all my years, I have never met a single regalia that had such a dark heart that was dark enough to give me the kind of blight I get from when a guardian gets stung by their regalia. And that is the worst kind of blight I could get. I had decided, Kuro is not allowed to live in this world any longer. His dark heart is what is giving me this blight.
     I stormed through the army of phantoms with deadly speed until I made my way to the crater that was supposed to be the village Kuro was living in. The whole village was burnt to the ground and from the looks of it, Kuro was the one who made the crater. My feet slid down the jagged sides of the huge hole and walked to the centre of the village to find Kuro sitting there in a chair that was probably the only one to survive the fire. He looked at us with a blank face and a pair of dark and lifeless eyes. If I were to describe him now it would be something along the lines of...
     "You look hideous, Kuro," I said without a care about the burning pain that came from the blight that was spreading towards my toes. "What happened here? Where are the rest of the villagers?"
     "It's good to see you look so lively again, Crystal." I notice his eyes wander to Akai. "So Akai... Have you managed to tell our dear master about your news?" I looked at the reflection in the blade of my katana and saw Akai look away from me. "Anyways, a group of soldiers came and said that the village shouldn't be here because it was in the way of their attack plans. They didn't want to leave so the soldiers decided to set fire to the place as you can see. Everyone died in that fire. Everyone except me..." His head hung low as he stared at the ground. A certain dark aura from him caused me to tighten my grip on Akai's sword form. He looked at me then glared at Kuro. "Tell me... why can't I die even if I am stabbed a hundred times? Oh, that's right...it's because I'm still connected to you..." He stood up and reached for something behind his back. "But I don't want to feel the pain of having my name revoked. So I'm just going to kill you with this..."
     My eyes widened when I saw what he held in his hands. A silver dagger with a ruby hilt. "Where did you get that?!" I demanded furiously. "I sealed that away years ago. No man should have been able to take it away from the guardian I set it to!"
     He chuckled lowly. "That's because that guardian just so happened to be in the village and he just so happened to have died in the fire. Using his last breath, he begged and pleaded that I keep it safe. Shame that he gave it to the wrong person though. Who knew that even the Guardian of Guardians was weak against a small dagger such as this one." I grit my teeth and took on a defensive stance. "People looked at me with envy. They wanted to be the regalia of the guardian of guardians because they wanted the glory. But I don't want that. Neither do I want my name revoked. So... please die for me."
     "Don't need to worry, Kuro. After a few minutes, nothing will hurt you anymore because, after this, you will be joining the villagers up in heaven." I pulled Indigo's scythe form from my back and swapped her out with Akai.
     In one swoop, I created a burst of light that cut through the air like it was butter and hit Kuro. However, he was more powerful than any other regalia I knew and I knew it would take more than that to bring him down. I scanned the area with my kinetic senses and felt a beating heart just above me. Sure enough, he was there and was aiming the dagger at me. I backflipped as he dropped down and switched out with Kiiroi and made Violet revert back to her human form and handed her Aoi and told her to get into position. She nodded and ran off.
     "And where do you think you're going?" Kuro growled and attempted to chase after her but I stopped him with another attack.
     "Your fight is with me, for now," I replied with a glare and waved Kiiroi's whip form around and flung him towards Kuro who dodged it and zoomed towards me. I, however, anticipated it and kicked him down and whistled a high note and Ember came running from behind and slowly turned into flames that circled around Kuro. I used Kuro's shock to my advantage and wrapped Kiiroi around his body to keep his movements limited and made him turn into half form and hold him still. I then threw Akai, Violet and Midori into the air and they changed back into their human forms and run off somewhere to set up the trap we were preparing. The distant yelling of my other regalia rang in the distance as they did their best to vanquish the phantoms that were coming out from a hole that Kofuku probably made by accident again. I chuckled lowly as I pictured her doing it in my mind.
     "What's so funny?" Kuro demanded. "You just threw away all your main regalias and they ran away to who knows where. How do you plan to protect yourself?"
     "I will do just fine. Like I said before... Your fight is with me!" I widened my stance and drew forth all my power to conduct this move. In one burst of light, I felt my features change and I pounced at Kuro in my form which was now a silver wolf. "Do not underestimate your master!" I growled and bit his arm causing the sleeve covering it to rip off and reveal his own blight that covered him. 'So it actually is happening... I hope you guys are done because we need this to be done quickly,' I thought and pushed him further away from the other phantoms in the distance and pushed him down into the ground. I let out a long and loud howl and caught sight of a bright-line soaring towards us and joining with another two, forming a huge triangle that trapped Kuro. He thrashed around inside, trying to break free.
'This is the end, Kuro,' I thought. Until...
...He smirked...

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