"I still can't believe she would do that..."

"I still can't believe you date her, where has your taste gone?"

She a wild one, it made me smile a little as I told her why I had to date Chaeyoung, emphasising that I really didn't want to date her at all.

"Nobody says you have to date her if you don't like her. Date whoever you like, whenever you're comfortable. And my best advice is to breakup with a slimy sewer rat like her. Dry your tears, you look really ugly when you cry, I'll have to get going now in case people are waiting to see me outside." She stood up and patted my shoulder before leaving.

I had just exposed my vulnerable side to her without meaning to.

I took a few deep breaths and wiped away my tears. There, now no one would know that I had just been crying.

Hye Rin's P.O.V

"Oh honey, how's your outfit today? Wait why do I bother asking, its cheap as always and it just clashes, like darling no!" There came the stupid voice of Lee Chaeyoung again.

"I'd be careful, if I were you."

"Why do you think so?"

"Or you can continue being careless, darling." I used the same word on her in the same fake tone as she.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm not talking about anything, maybe you should just go in and bother Mr Min like you always do. Or if you fancy, you can go around sharing saliva with lots of men in a park." I sneered.

"How do you-"

I stood up and positioned myself in front of Mr Min's door, knocking haughtily on it like how Chaeyoung always did before sitting down again.

"Come in!"

Chaeyoung gave me a last glare before opening the door.

"Hi, love!" Was the last thing I heard her chirp before the door closed.

Silly girl. You're only making yourself more suspicious to Mr Min, you always call him 'Yoongi' in the most pompous way and now you meekly call him 'love' in a polite tone and for once, you even added a 'hi'? You're too dumb, Lee Chaeyoung, too dumb.

I winced as I heard shouting from inside and finally, Chaeyoung stormed out, completely stripped of her superior expression.

"Had fun did ya?"

"You'll pay for this."

"Pay for what? Your plastic surgery that you think will make you become even more 'attractive' to those guys whose faces you were practically sucking off earlier?" I smirked.

"This isn't the end, Park Hye Rin. I would advise for you to keep your smart mouth shut before things get worse." She sashayed towards the elevators like she always did, but today there was a lack of that showy character.

"Hye Rin!" Mr Min called.

I was very surprised that he wasn't angry with me, given the way I had lashed out at him earlier on. He'd even opened up to me a little, which was nice, like a friendship. But I was willing to take that unexpected turn because an angry Mr Min could mean the end of my job.

I got up and entered his office, making sure I didn't leave my personal belongings outside. Because with Lee Chaeyoung, you never truly knew if she had really left the building or was just waiting for the chance to spring on you and sabotage you.

Also the reason why I had a security camera hovering above my desk.

"Hye Rin ah..."


"Hopefully she won't come to harass you anymore."

"What happened?"

"I broke up with her."

"Well that was fast- and good, too I guess. If that's all, I'll leave now. I have papers to sort out and-"

"You'll do nothing of the sort." Mr Min walked over to the door and locked it, pulling me to the soft leather sofa in a corner of the room. Sitting down next to me with his legs crossed and a smirk evident on his face, I would never have guessed how soft he had been just moments ago.

"Do you think I'm a good boss?"

"You give a lot of work."

"Well do you like me as a boss?"

"I don't dislike you so yeah I guess?"

"Do you see me as a friend?"

"Sure, because you're not an enemy."

It was getting slightly uncomfortable, and i was trying to answer the questions as logically as possible.

"Can you see me as your future boyfriend?"

The question threw me off guard.


"Well anyway, Ms Smart-mouth..."

"What? Don't call me that!" I snapped while trying to hold my laughter.

"I want to make a bet with you."

"What bet?"

"I bet I can make you fall in love with me in just 1 month, princess."

Arrogance , and you . | Min Yoongi [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now