Just then, I received a text.

It was from my sister. I knew, anything from my sister was bad news. Without opening the text, I read from the notification panel on my lockscreen. It wasn't good at all. Placing the phone back in my jacket pocket, I headed to buy some warm soup for Mr Min before heading back to the office.

Yoongi's P.O.V

There came a short tapping on the door before it was opened gingerly. It was Hye Rin.

"Mr Min...I brought you warm soup for lunch. Since I was running a little late and it's cold outside."

I stared at the container of soup that had been thoughtfully placed on my table.

How nice.

When I said nothing, she just bowed and started towards the door.

"Ah, Hye Rin ah! Can you give me the schedule that you were working on this morning, now? Make sure its completed. Also, all the reports that I asked you to file, are they done? Pass them to me now, and the emails that I told you to answer, did you reply them already? Also make sure the documents that I asked you to tend to are printed and filed by the time office hours are over, and-"

"Please stop." she said blankly.


"Please stop." her expression remained blank.

"Stop what?"

"The workload is awful!" Fire rose from her eyes.

"Well you're my PA now and I'm a busy man so deal with it!"

"Deal with it? I have so many other things I have to deal with and you're telling me to deal with the work you give me? If you hadn't tried to play the invitation prank on me earlier on, I would be finished with three quarters of the work by now! And because I haven't, you'll punish me, without taking into account that you indirectly caused some of the delay! What's more, you're only busy doing nothing but finding things for me to do, you're so unreasonable!" She ran out of the room.

I hadn't meant to be so blunt about her being my PA and having to deal with the workload I gave her. But did she really think I was being unreasonable and lazy? And I would never punish her for being unable to meet my deadline by a little.

Something had to be going on that was affecting her mood.

Hye Rin's P.O.V

I tore out of Mr Min's office and removed my leather jacket and beanie, dumping them across the chair behind the desk before heading to the toilets for a good cry.

Things were not going well at all. My sister was living with my parents in America, and she had just dropped me a text to let me know that my mother had been involved in a car accident and did not survive it.

They didn't even bother to invite me to her funeral before cremating her. Why? Oh, because I was working in Seoul, and probably couldn't make the trip to the US in time.

I would have given anything to see Mom for one last time, to pay her my last respects.

My sister had texted it so nonchalantly, I wanted to hit her through the screen of the phone. She was talking about the lady who had raised us from young until now, the lady who had provided for our every need, listened to our whines for the things we wanted, given us a good education.

It was our mother who had been there when I needed her most, when I was going through tough times. She had always been the one who worked hard to feed the family, she had been my pillar of support, my pride, my everything.

But she was gone. And I wouldn't ever see her again. To make things worse, my freak of a boss was busy dishing out work orders faster than a fighter jet with deadlines tighter than Chaeyoung's green, seaweed monstrosity of a party gown from the other day.

I wanted to dig into my jacket pocket to find my phone, hoping to gaze upon the message from my sister, just to make myself feel more miserable. But then I remembered my jacket was on the chair back at my desk. I sighed, composing myself and stepping out of the stall.

Glancing at the mirror, I was glad I had worn waterproof makeup today. I wiped away any telltale tears from my face and headed back to the desk.


Mr Min was standing at my desk, facing my direction. But he didn't notice me coming back, he was too busy looking at something in his palm.

Just then, my heart began to palpitate wildly. Because it was my phone he was looking at. Also because he held the phone in a landscape mode.

You don't view texts in landscape mode.

My stupid ass hadn't put a password on the phone because it was new.

Different shades of light flickered across his pain filled face, changing constantly.

He was looking at a video.

And I had a bad feeling that I knew which video it was.

Because I had switched my phone off, not a full power off, without leaving the photo gallery app. I had totally forgotten to hit the Home button.

Suddenly, Yoongi became aware of my presence.

He looked up at me, and our eyes locked.

Arrogance , and you . | Min Yoongi [COMPLETE]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora