Family Renuion

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"Hello, brother."

I was speechless now that my brother Niklaus was standing right in front of me. I noticed that Kol, Rebekah, and Finn were also behind him, waiting for my response.

"Well, Elijah, are you going to invite us in?" Kol asked impatiently as Niklaus was smirking at me.

They must still be vampires and I remembered that they couldn't get in without our permission.

"You dare come here after everything you have done and expect me to forget?" I asked them.

Klaus smiled, "I see you got my message."

Right when I was about to respond, I heard Elena coming over towards us, "Elijah, who is there?" Elena asked me.

"Elena don't come-" but it was too late; she gasped and stopped right in her tracks a few feet behind me when she saw my family at the door.

"Ah, hello love," Klaus greeted her.

I could hear Elena swallow loudly when he greeted her. Rebekah just groaned- she never did like Elena. Finn stood in his place silently; I could tell that he didn't want to play a part in this. Kol just rolled his eyes bored.

"Ok, enough of this chit chat," Klaus started and then looked at Elena.

I knew exactly what he was going to do, but before I could prevent it, "Elena, love, please invite us in," Klaus compelled.

I hurried back to Elena, shielding myself infront of her when Elena invited them in. One question ran through my head- why didn't he compel me?

Klaus smirked, "Tsk tsk tsk, Elijah, I'm sure you are aware that won't do any good," and walked in the house along with my other brothers and sister.

"Colleen!" I called out- no answer.

Where was she? I looked back at Elena to find a worried and frightened look in her eyes.

"This is a nice house you have here brother," Kol stated as he went off towards the kitchen and laughed.

When he returned, he held the white oak stake in his hand, "Look what our brother has acquired! Elijah, I'm hurt," Kol said sarcastically.

Klaus came over towards Kol and took the stake from his grasp and stuffed it inside his coat pocket and wiped the smirk off his face as he looked at me,"Why don't we have a little family discussion in the living room," he demanded motioning towards the room.

I might as well coaperate with him; we were defenseless now. I am once again wondering where Colleen is-she should be able to sense them.

I grabbed Elena's hand and walked slowly towards the room and stood beside the couch she sat on while Kol sat next to her. Klaus, like me, stood up facing us, Finn stood looking out the window, and Rebekah sat in the chair next to the couch.

"So, brother are you ready for your punishment? Actually, first I would like to know how you did it. How did you prevent yourself from your death in the ritual and managed to kill your family? Was it mother?" Klaus asked.

"Niklaus, I did not conspire or plot against you-any of you," I answered and paused," You, however, had no right to slaughter Elena's brother and Alaric nor to threaten mine. You are becoming more like father," I responded coldly.

I have had enough of Klaus' accusations.

Klaus clenched his jaw and fists, as a result of me comparing him to Mikael, and yelled, "We are your family Elijah! I can not believe you chose that woman over us that has always been by your side. How noble are you now? Now, I've had enough of this," Klaus finished.

I could see he was tearing slightly. "Are you ready for your punishment Elijah?" Klaus asked and then looked at Rebekah, "Rebekah, here, will take Elena with her. Once she has your child, I will make them both useful, especially your warlock child." 

How did he know about that?

My eyes widened as I dashed in front of Elena trying to shield her, but Rebekah, using her vampire speed, pushed me out of the way making me hit my head on an end table and fall onto the floor, and grabbed Elena, "Get up you bitch."

With the vision I had left, I heard Klaus say one last thing, "Elena, you will not remember Elijah or anything about him. You will not remember that he is the father of your child, you simply don't remember. You will go with Rebekah and not leave her sight."

I watched as Rebekah vampire- sped her and Elena out of the house. Elena and my child were gone. Then I fell into a deep sleep.


This chapter was very hard for me to write, I am so emotional right now. LOL. I promise this is not the end, things will get better! What happened to Colleen? What will Klaus do with Elijah? What will happen to Elena and the baby? Thank you to everyone that has commented, rated, and has been following this story so far!  New update tomorrow! :)

A New Beginning (Elijah x Elena Love Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ