Post Reception

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So, I just want to say that I am a major shipper of Elejah (Elijah x Elena). This is also my first fan fiction, so bare with this story as it may not be the best. Anyway, this story starts after Elijah and Elena's wedding. (By the way, Elena is human and Alaric is still alive). The first chapter is kinda boring, but I promise it gets better! Disclaimer: I do not own any of the original characters (Elijah, Elena,Caroline...) Comments and votes are appreciated! :)


Third Person POV

After the reception, they quickly changed into their normal clothes, (Elijah a suit and Elena a strapless red dress), and then jumped into Elijah’s Porsche. Elena sat in the passenger seat while Elijah insisted that he drive. After they got in the car, Elena waved to everyone that was outside. She was going to miss them, but she was more excited about getting away from Mystic Falls for a while with her new husband. After Elijah pulled out of their driveway, Elena turned to Elijah and smiled at him while she stared. Five minutes of Elijah letting Elena stare at him went by and he finally spoke up.

“Elena, what is it?”

Elena’s smile grew even wider and said, “I was just thinking about how happy I am and how much I love you”.

Elijah’s heart was secretly pounding; explosions were going off just by hearing her say that. Elijah smiled and then pulled over off the road. Elijah then turned to Elena, gently grabbed her left hand, kissed it, and said,

“Elena, this day is the best day of my life. No day exists that can compare to this day or my love for you. I would go through everything that I have been through in my existence all over again if that meant that I could be with you. I knew when I first saw you in that mansion with Rosemarie and Trevor that you are the love of my life. And now I can’t even describe how grateful and lucky I am that you now are my wife.”

Elena was in tears and quickly got over close to Elijah and hugged him and buried her head in his shoulder while Elijah gently ran his fingers through her hair. She finally pulled away from his shoulder and smiled at him. Elena then surprised Elijah when she suddenly kissed him. The kiss was very passionate and lasted for a few minutes when Elijah finally pulled away and leaned his head on Elena’s and whispered,

“We should get going before we miss our flight”. Elena quickly nodded and then sat correctly back in her seat and held Elijah’s hand.

“It is going to be a while before we arrive at our destination, it would help pass the time if you took a nap”, Elijah suggested. Elena quickly shook her head and replied, “No, I don’t want to waste a second of this day”. 


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