"I would and will do anything for you Diana..." Hector spoke.

"And I you...tell that old ass that he need to get rid of the women though." I tell Hector trying to lighten the mood.

"That will not be a problem at all." He chuckled as he held my head and kissed me.

The next day I went to Meg, my best friend and sister and began to tell her everything that had happened. She broke three dishes while listening to my story. Finally I made her sit down so I could finish telling the story.

"You agreed to bear his child, until he get the heir he needs? Diana...it took you long enough!" Meg laughed as she hugged me.

"That was not the answer I was expecting...Meg you aren't mad at me?" I question as the hug stops and I look at her.

"Mad? Why would I be mad that for once in your life you go after the guy who would literally walk through fire for you? Don't get me wrong, Achilles was like that once but I think we both knew deep down it wouldn't work out in the long run." Meg shrugged as she began to point out things he had done at the camp that she was forced to keep secret from her.

Apparently, Alec was not Achilles only son. As though that were to shock me but it turned out two other women in the camp that were hidden away from everyone else had borne him children as well. Meg sighed as she told me that he also sent them off the moment he found out they were with child as well.

"Hector is a better match for you. He loves you, he's a prince I mean well a king now but really Di, just be happy for once and pray whenever you are with child that it's a boy or you may have to go through more than one birth." Meg warned me.

It was true, I knew there was a 50% chance that the child would not be a boy but in fact another girl like Livitica. Still I just knew what I was doing was right, Achilles was not in the back of my mind anymore. Instead it was occupied with the new memories of Alec and Livitica as well as Paris and Hector. Once I was back in the palace I watched as many of the women that the horrible old ass had invited against Hector's wishes began to leave. Walking past them I feel someone grab me and pull me into another hall. Quickly they turned me to face them and there stood Hector himself.

"What are you doing?" I question as I look between him and the women.

"Making sure you know what you are agreeing to. If you continue to agree to give me and heir that means one day we will be married...you will be a queen...would you still be with me then Diana?" Hector asked as he led me down the hall.

Queen?! Well that thought had escaped me but knowing that I would be with Hector and safe inside the city walls the thought didn't seem to scare me. King's did most of the work in battles but I would do all I could to support Hector, after all I had been trained here so I would know a little of what I was talking about.

"I stand by my decision." I stop and turn to Hector who smiles brightly at me. "Nothing will make me change my mind."

That night, Hector had told the council that he had decided to not only try to have an heir with me, but marry me and make my his queen as well. That was a meeting I did not want to be at. Instead I was the one to break the news to our children who took it much better than I thought.

"You mean...Hector will be your husband...and Livitica would be my sister?" Alec asked excitedly.

"Yes, I would be Livitica's step mother as Hector would be your step father." I told them ready for either of the children to be angry or upset.

"I already thought of you as my mother." Livitica shrugged as she looked between Alec and I. "Alec is more than my brother...he is my best friend."

I was ready to try and explain everything to them but they seemed to accept everything quite well. After a story, they both had fallen asleep and I lightly exited the room. Shutting the doors behind me I sighed peacefully and look to my left to see Hector walking my way.

"How did it go?" Hector questioned.

"They took it rather well, Livitica already thought of me as her mother and Alec is her best friend...if I didn't know any better I would have thought they thought us already together." I tell Hector with a grin on my face. "The council?"

"They agreed, all accept Balton, he wants a true noble but I care not for noble blood." Hector said taking my hand and pulling me to him. "I rather prefer the blood of my mermaid and warrior."

"Mermaid and warrior, two names I never thought I would hear together." I chuckle as I smile at him.

"You seem happier after your decision and Achilles banishment." Hector comments.

"I am, he let me go and I ran to the one person I should have stayed with...you." I tell him honestly.

"I will never let you...would you let me go?" Hector asked.

"Never...I made that mistake once...never again." I reply as I lean in and kiss him.

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