Fifteen: Memories

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"Your body is a sacred place, don't let evil souls get to it."

"M-Makayla?" His voice had gotten deeper over the years

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"M-Makayla?" His voice had gotten deeper over the years.

I felt frozen in place as I gulped, I wasn't expecting this to happen at all and now I don't know how to deal with it.

His brown hair had gotten a little longer than the last time I saw him, he grew out a clean cut beard. He also got way taller than high school. His eyes, the green eyes I once loved, stared at me in disbelief.

"I'm Lance, Makayla is here for business reasons as per Mr. Tasos request." Lance cleared his throat and stood up, his voice sounded so formal and polite.

He reached his hand out to shake Aiden's hand, I could tell Aiden was thinking who was he by the way he was raising his eyebrow.

"I'm Aiden. Are you Maika's assistant? Oh so Nathan sent you guys here." He chuckled, the sound I haven't heard in a long time.

Lance laughed even louder, it was definitely fake. I rolled my eyes, Lance always trying to have the upper hand.

"No, I'm her boyfriend, but I will be helping her with today's assessment." He said with a nice but sharp tone, I see Aiden's eyes pop wide open.

He shifted his eyes towards me and scrunched his eyebrows, he motioned for Lance to sit. He fixed his suit as he typed some things on his desktop and pulled up some files.

"Okay, so what is going on?" Aiden was staring at me, I was in complete shock still. I haven't seen him since the day I lost our child, I felt my stomach tie knots as I took a deep breath.

I felt Lance's hand on my knee, rubbing it to calm me down. I nodded to myself as I regained my composure.

"Today we'll be asking you about your latest projects, the statistics, all that stuff I'm sure you know."

"Well, we're currently working on how to expand the company in different countries. Starting by small offices and hopefully expanding to bigger ones in each city. We have a fund of 2.5 million dollars to expand to Toronto." Aiden was looking at the business proposal that he has made up.

"And what do you plan to do with the money that is invested? Have you guys scouted employees?" I look up at him as I see he's already staring intently at me.

He had a wrinkle on his forehead which meant he was deep in thought.

"There is already a employee list of 60 people and still looking considering this is a new project but it is going faster than normal. Many people are looking forward to work in your father's company Maika."

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