Chapter 7: Oh My God

Start from the beginning

We continued to talk and everyone except for Patricia came down. There was knock on the door and Trudy went to go answer it.

"Oh come right in." she said.

We heard to sets of footsteps and saw Trudy and my uncle standing there.

"Uncle Brad!" I screamed the same time Cole screamed "Dad!"

We both ran to him and gave him a hug.

"Wow I didn't know I was this loved by you two." he said.

"Everyone this is Mr. Brad Pendery and he is the new care giver." Trudy said.

Everyone started talking again when there was another knock at the door. Again Trudy went to go get it.

"Please come in." she said.

This time there were three sets of footsteps. When Trudy came in she went back into the kitchen and I saw two people that I haven't seen in a while. I screamed and ran to them and gave them a great big hug.

"Oh my gosh what are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"Well Cole called us and told us what happened. So we thought you could use some cheering up." Niall said.

"Aw that is so sweet of you guys." I said.

" I know we try " Jack said.

"Shut it Brewer." I said.

" Um I hate to break this reunion but could you introduce them." Joy said.

"Eddie, Jerome, Alfie, Fabian, Mara, Joy, and Amber this is Jack Brewer and Niall Horan. Jack and Niall this is Eddie, Jerome, Alfie, Mara, Joy, Amber, oh and Fabian." I said.

"Hi." they all said.

"Hi." Jack and Niall said.

Before anyone else could say anything Patricia came in wearing a smirk on her face.

"Hey isn't that the necklace I gave you." Jack and Niall said.

Without saying anything else I walked over to Patricia.

"Hey those are some cute necklaces. Can I see them?" I said.

"Sure." she said.

She handed them to me I turned them both over and look at the back. The guitar pick had N.J.H on the back and the karate symbol had J.B. on the back.

"You stole them." I bluntly stated.

I threw the necklaces to both Jack and Niall. They caught them and looked at them.

"Yep this is the necklace I gave you Nina." they both said.

They both threw them back to me.

"No my dad gave them to me thinking I was Piper." Patricia said.

"Really so what does N.J.H and J.B. stand for? Also why a guitar pick and a karate sign?" I asked.

"N.J.H stand for Not Just Hating and J.B. stand for Justice Brought." she said.

"That's funny because I happen to love rock music and play the electric guitar also I am a ninth degree black in karate." I said.

Everyone except Cole, Niall, and Jack gasped.

"Another thing is N.J.H stand for Niall James Horan ," I said. I threw it to Niall. "and J.B. stands for Jack Brewer." I threw the necklace to Jack.

"Fine I stole them." she said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because there is something going on with you and I am going to find out." she said.

Jack's POV* (Thought you might like it )

Right now Nina was confronting this Patricia girl about stealing her necklaces that me and Niall gave to her. I saw Patricia step on Nina's foot.

"You are stepping on my foot." Nina said with no emotion.

"Oh I am?" Patricia asked.

"Yes." Nina said.

"Oh my bad." Patricia said.

"Please get off of my foot." Nina said. I saw Nina's other leg start to shake.

"Or what?" Patricia asked.

"Oh no." I said.

"What?" Joy asked.

Before Niall, Cole, or I could answer we saw Patricia's foot off of Nina's foot and Nina's other leg had hit Patricia in the face.

"Wow Nina that kick was perfect." I said. Everyone looked at me with a 'are you kidding me' face.

"Really Jack I don't think now is the time to talk about Nina's kick technique." Cole said.

"Patricia I don't know what your problem is but you need to chill out because my business has nothing to do with you." Nina said.

Nina's POV*

"My problem is you." Patricia said.

"How am I your problem?" I asked.

"We are supposed to be friends but how can I be friends with someone who hides things from her friends." she said.

"Fine everyone sit down and I will tell you everything." I said. Everyone sat down and I sat down in front of them. "OK so first I am not the girl you think I am. I am actually a tom boy but a little bit of girly girl. I love rock music and I can play any type of instrument. I live in Seaford, Califonia and that is when I met Jack and the gang, They asked me to join their dojo so I said sure. The only thing they didn't know is that I already was an eighth degree black belt. So when fought all of them and won they were shocked. Last year parts of my past were slipping through so I went to spent with Cole and the rest of IM5 and they helped with hiding it."

"Oh I am sorry Nina." she said.

"It's OK Patricia I understand where you are coming from and I feel bad about not telling you anything." I said.

"Hey we understand Nina." Mara said.

"Thank you guys for being so understanding." I said.

"I have a question." Amber said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Why are you and Eddie spending so much time together?" she asked.

"Maybe because he is the Osirian and I am the Chosen one. Also Eddie is a warlock as I am a witch." I said.

"Wow" everyone except Cole, Eddie, Jack, and Niall said.

"Oh an I have this spell. Who wants to see it?" I said. Alfie raised his hand. "Alfie can you stand in the middle of the room?"

"Sure." he said.

"Cherry, sprinkles, ice cream float, turn Alfie into a goat." I said. I saw Aflie turn into a goat.

"Awesome you just turned my best friend into a goat." Jerome said.

"Now Nina turn him back." Cole said.

"But I've always wanted a pet goat named Alfie." I whinnied.

"Nina." Cole warned.

"Fine." I said. "I know a goat named Ralfie, but I prefer this one to be Alfie."

"That was so cool." Alfie said.

"I know I try." I said. So the rest of the day was just us talking and hanging out and I had so much fun. When it was time to go to bed I went in my room and got ready for bed. When I was done getting ready I said goodnight to Amber and got into my bed. I fell into a deep sleep and it felt good to get my secrets off my back.

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