Chapter 9: "Busted"

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Nina's POV*

So today was the day that I am going to tell Eddie that I have feelings for him. I am so glad that today we have to wear our uniforms so no one will know what I am planning. I remember when Amber, Mara, Joy, and even Patricia were acting about it yesterday and I was just calm.


"Oh my gosh Nina what are you going to wear tomorrow for you performance!!??" Amber exclaimed. She was pacing around the room and then going to look in my closet since I put all of my good clothes into my closet.

"Better yet what is she going to sing tomorrow." Joy said. All four of them started arguing about what I was going to wear, what song I was going to sing, and other little small things. Like was I going to avoid Eddie all day or was I going to act like everything was normal and I wasn't planning anything.

While they were freaking out I was just sitting on my bed thinking of the song I was going to sing, but I already had an idea due the situation I was in. I was picking my song based on what happened between me and Eddie. Like how he has seen me blush and I bet he has the idea that I like him. Or how I giggle when he says something how I was usually with him.

I mean ever since Jack and Niall came I have been acting different towards Eddie. While I try to act cool I know that he notices the way that I have been acting around him.

"Nina are you even listening to us?" Mara asked.

"Not really," I replied sheepishly. "I was just finishing a song and thinking about how funny you all look running around and panicking."

"Nina you have to be serious about this." Amber said.

"Don't you think that I am serious about this?" I asked.

"Guys just because Nina is acting all calm about this doesn't me she isn't serious about this." Patricia defended me.

"I mean I haven't even felt this way about Fabian, but Eddie is so different." I confessed and I forgot that they were in the room.

That was until Amber and Joy squealed. Then they exclaimed in unison, "That is so cute." I started to blush which was something I usually don't do.

"Aw look our little NIna is blushing." Mara cooed.

"Be quiet all of you." I grumbled and they all continued to laugh and tease me.

*Flashback Over*

"Nina Martin get up this instance." yes this is how I was pushed out of my flashback. By Amber ordering me to get up.

"I have been up I was just thinking about last night." I replied to Amber while getting out of my bed.

"Well I am still mad at you for not telling me what you are going to be wearing or what you are going to be singing." Amber said.

"Sorry Amber, but it has to be a surprise or you might tell people." I explained it to her while I got my uniform out of my closet.

"But that's not fair, I am your best friend and I deserve to know." Amber argued.

"You may be my best friend, but you don't have to know." I replied as I walked out of our room and into the bathroom to get changed.

"Well I think you should tell me just so I have information that Mara, Joy, and Patricia don't have." Amber said when I walked out of the bathroom brushing my hair.

"MIllington what do you think you are doing?" a voice behind Amber asked. We turned to see Joy, Mara, and Patricia standing there waiting for Amber to answer Patricia's question.

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