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Jack's Pov
As morning came I decided to avoid school. All of a sudden someone came up from behind pulling me out of the bushes and being thrown into a vehicle. Crap I uhh think I'm being kidnapped...again.
Marks Pov
I called Felix, Cry, and Ken to tell them Jack was missing. Jack is now all over the news, police groups are out looking for him. People at School are wondering what happened and no matter how much we look for him no one has found him.
Felix's Pov
Mark has been badly worried about Jack. I think Jack is Mark's senpai or something. Let's hope no one dies today.( sorry Felix but someone dies every 11 seconds a day)Author shut up(sorry) "Mark are you ever going to stop pacing. Jack is going to be ok. 'Or at least we hope so'"
"I'm going to look for him. I don't have a good feeling about this."
He left the room in a jog paced speed.
Jack's Pov
As soon as it started it stopped. One moment I was in the vehicle then the next I was in a house on a couch tied up. People were whispering in the backroom. One was female and the other male. I didn't know what was happening or what was going to happen until someone came up behind me and lifted me up right.
"He's awake" she stated."Hello my name is Pamela what's yours"
"....I am Sean but I've always been called Jack" I answered.
"Well we're not going to hurt you we just want to know who your parents are" Pamela asked
"They're Assholes, my mom left us and my dad became violently drunk also why did you tie me up?"
"We are going to put you in a foster care facility. And we tied you up because we didn't know if you were violent" Pamela answered as she untied me," Also do you have any wounds we should look at?"
I just pulled my shirt off and showed her the bruises and cuts.
"When did they happen? They look like they were made yesterday." She asked
"My dad caused alot of these and others were bullies" I answered. She grabbed the First Aid kit and started cleaning my wounds. She was also brushing the hair out of my face.
"Alright, you're all fixed up. Let me make a few phone calls and find you a foster home" Pamela sounded accomplished."Oh we have you one in Ireland ready to take you in. Is that ok?" I don't want to leave all my new friends here though what am I gonna tell her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2018 ⏰

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