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Cry's pov
After the school day Jack started walking home and I stopped him.
"Would you like to hang out at the park with me, Mark, Felix, and Ken?"
"Sure I'm gonna need time out of the house my dad has been drinking and my mom left him so he is in a violent drinking state" Jack answered
"Oh.... he gets violent?"
"Yeah he does"
'My gosh poor kid' I thought.
(15 min time skip)
"Hey Cry over here" Mark yelled. I put my finger up signalling one minute. As I saw Jack I waved at him. He looked at me with a fake smile, something is wrong. He had tear streaks on his cheeks and a bruise forming under his eye.
"Jack, over here" I yelled pointing. Mark got up and wandered over my way.
"Hey Cry... oh hey new kid" Mark said happily.
"H-Hey Mark" Jack sounded Upset.
Jack's Pov
Cry wanted me to hang out today at the park. My dad was sitting in the living room drinking a new bottle of strong alcohol, Again.
"Where were you? You left this morning without asking." My dad yelled
"I-I was at school, my first day of school" I answered quietly.
"What ever. Get out of my house I don't want to see you gay ass faggot here anymore" he yelled socking me in the face. I got up quickly and ran.
If he doesn't want me then I'm gonna go to mother but she is no where near us now.
On the way to the park I ran into a few bullies and they beat me up creating more bruises. It hurt like hell. I ended crying a bit but kept waking until I met up with Cry and his friends.
"What happened?" Mark asked.
"Nothing... just tripped on my way here... thats all" I lied
After the conversation and laughs we had they all walked home and I decided I'm not gonna return home I will just stay here at the park and see what happens when I don't return home. Anyway it's gonna be a long night.
(Time skip to morning)
Mark's Pov
Jack didn't show up to school this morning I asked his dad where he was and his dad was worried because he didn't return home yesterday.
Missing posters have been put up everywhere no one has seen him. Great I form a crush on a cute boy and he goes missing. What's wrong with me.

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