♡ new kid・[g]

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inspired by tvd
[ 11 ]

you were starting junior year with your best friend, bonnie by your side. you weren't so excited but you tried to fake a smile because why not?

as you were by your lockers with bonnie in the crowded hallway, you see your ex, matt.

he obviously still has feelings for you but you just don't feel the same anymore.

you both make eye contact before you give him a friendly wave. he just stares straight at you and shuts his locker walking away.

"mmm, he hates me." you said.

"that's not hate. that's you dumped me but I'm too cool to show it yet secretly I'm listening to sad drake songs." bonnie replied.

"y/n! how are you? are you okay? is she okay?" caroline said looking over to Bonnie.

"Caroline, im right here. and, I'm fine, thank you." you said bluntly.

"good, see you guys later." caroline said before walking away.

you and bonnie both, laughing and started to walk.

"woah, who's the new guy?" Bonnie asked.

he was in the office, his back facing bonnie and you.

"i don't know, all I see is back." you replied.

"that sure is a hot back." bonnie said before giggling.

you could hear him talking to the front office lady.

"I'm sensing Seattle, and he plays the guitar." bonnie said.

"you are crazy, you know that?" you said before laughing.

"pretty much."

you quickly see your brother, jeremy walk into the restroom.

"ugh, I'll be back." you said before running after him.

"please, be hot." bonnie whispered to herself.

you finally got to the boy's bathroom. you see jeremy putting eye drops in.

you examine his eyes and annoyingly laugh.

"great! it's the first day of school and you're already stoned." you stated.

"no, I'm not!" he argued.

"where is it? give it to me! is it on you?" you said before patting him down.

"stop it, the fuck. you need to 'chill' yourself, alright?" Jeremy said annoyed.

"chill myself?! what is that, stoner talk?dude you are so cool." you mimicked.

"i don't need this, I'm out." he stated before walking out.

you follow after him, walking out. yet, you bump into someone.

you stopped at your tracks, looking at him.

"uhm, pardon me." he said.

"uh, is this the, men's room?" he added.

"uh, yes. um, I was just um, I was just.. it's a long story." you replied.

he softly chuckled at your awkwardness.

you tried moving out of his way yet you kept walking the same way.

"sorry.." you mumbled before finally walking to your class.

as you walked away, you turned around. seeing him look straight at you, with a soft smile.

who was this new kid? and why did he have so much effect on me.

I might do a part 2 but I'm so lazy
and I am trying to not use this app
As much. Lol

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