The high price of Freedom.

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There was almost a minutes silence before Molly spoke. "Right I'll go get the breakfast things then." With that Harry got up slowly and went to leave. "Harry, dear where are you going?"

"Freak must stay away form masters when they eat." said Harry in way of an explanation. Then Molly noticed something... Harry never acted like he was a person. He acted like hers sons where not his friends and she was about to beat him for anything.

"Harry please listen to me. I'm not your uncle and I promise I'm not going to beat you ever. You can eat what you like when you like and please call me Molly."

"Molly freaks master now?"

" Harry no one is your master please just come sit down and eat." Molly regretted making this sound like an order but she needed to get him to eat.

"Yes Molly" Said Harry as he walks back to the table. Secretly this is what he was hoping for but he knew he had to be careful because he didn't want to anger these kind masters. Once he got to the table he got himself a slice of toast and started to nibble on it. It had been almost a week since he had eaten but he didn't want to look greedy or take food he was not aloud.

Breakfast that morning was a lot quitter than normal. No one spoke much and when they did it was quietly. Ron was worried that his friend wouldn't remember him or if he did he would hate him for not helping sooner. 

Molly was closely watch Harry and noticed that he ate very little and what he did eat was eaten slow as if trying to saviour it. She also noticed that he never relaxed and wouldn't lift his eyes from the plate.

Once breakfast was finished Molly got up and took the plates away. Harry followed suit but was then shooed out of the kitchen and told to go upstairs and borrow some of Ron's clothes.

When he finally got to the top floor he knocked on the door. there was no reply and harry was about to leave but suddenly heard a muffled weep.

A/N: sorry I ant updated in abit had exams. Might not update again till my English exam is over but after that ill try to update more often. please vote and comment. ;)

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