The borrow

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Fred, George, Ron and Harry got to the borrow at around about 6am. They hoped there mum would be up to calm Harry down. He was asleep most of the way but woke up about 15 mins before they got back. He had now come up with the idea that they were his 'New Masters'. This disturbed Ron quite abit. All he could think about was how he could have prevented this form happening in the 1st place.

As soon as the car had stopped Harry got out and rushed to open the car door for Ron. "Harry you don't have to do that." Ron said as he pointed to the house that Harry had not yet noticed. Harry Slowly turned around to see his best friends house. It look as though it was being held up by magic and Harry would have believed this true if he didn't know that magic didn't exist. "Magic isn't it harry?"

"There's no such thing as magic sir." Harry said in a memo tone voice. There was a moment of silence before Fred broke it.

"Lets go inside and see if mums up yet." Fred held back with Harry whilst George took Ron into the house.  "Harry your save now please believe me we are not going to hurt you."

"Freak deserve punishment. Freak broke his Masters property" Harry said holding up his hand to show the broken chains.

"Harry you can think that this is your fault. You did nothing wrong... your Uncles the one who should be in chains not you. harry bowed his head. It was clear that he didn't want to have this conversation and Fred didn't want to upset him right now. "come on lets get inside before Ron eats everything."

"Yes sir" Harry said. As they walk towards the house harry could hear a woman's voice shrieking. "Beds empty!... No note!...Car gone... you could of died... out for my mind with worry... did you care as long as I wait will you father gets home..." At that moment Harry spoke up. He didn't want these people punished for saving him.

"Please Ma'am it was Freaks fault please punishes Freak not them. Freak will take the beating for all three of them please don't punish them." Harry rambled.

"Shh Harry I'm not going be beat anyone." she said coming close to the child. "What are these?" she said holding the heavy chains that where round his ankles and wrists.

"Freaks chains Ma'am. Freak must be punished for braking masters property" Harry said lowing his head to hide the fear that was so visible in them.   

"We couldn't pick the lock there so we had to cut the chain." George explained as his mum gave him a confused look.

"Oh yeah I'll be back in a sec just need to get the stuff to pick the locks with." Fred said as he dashed off up the stairs.

"Come sit down Harry." Molly said as she ushered him into the kitchen.

"Yes Ma'am" Just as Harry sat down Fred came back down stairs with the stuff he needed. 

"Harry can you give me you hands please." Fred said. harry obeyed and lifted both his hands. Both Fred and George took and hand and set to work. After about 5 mins of fiddling with the locks there was a loud CLICK! and one of Harry arms were free. CLICK! With that his second hand was free. Fred opened the Shackle that he had opened 1st reliving bright red skinny wrists that looked like they were very sore. Georges wrist looked no better and they all sat there in silence looking at what had become of 'The boy who lived'.

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