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"Mum has Errol come with the post yet? or Hedwig?" Ron asked as he runs down the stairs for breakfast.

"Sorry love no. Maybe Harry's busy with his aunt and uncle." Mrs Weasley said in a chirpy voice, unaware of the situation.

"That's what I'm worried about." He mutters under his breath.

"Oh Ron he'll be fine. stop panicking and eat your breakfast." Ron ate his breakfast in silence as the other Weasleys chatted. This hadn't gone unnoticed by the twins. Ron was about to go back upstairs when Fred shouted him.

"Hey Ron come with us a minute."

"No thanks I wanna be on my own." Ron said as he plodded upstairs. Something about not hearing anything form Harry scared Ron. He felt like he should do something but he didn't know what. He knew the twins would have an idea but he had promised Harry he wouldn't tell ANYONE. He didn't want to betray his friend.

When Ron got to his room he went sight to his bed and started crying. he couldn't help thinking that Harry was in danger and he needed to help. Suddenly there was a knock on his door. "Ron it's us can we come in?"  George says through the door. Without a answer they walk in to see there little brother crying on his bed. "Hey what's up? Is it girl trouble?" George joked.

"I wish." was the reply given.

"Come on then what is it? You've been glum since we left Hogwarts." Fred chipped in.

"I cant tell you I promised."

"Who did you promise? Is somebody bullying you? Is it that Draco kid?" The Twins said.

" No. No. It's not... It's... well... It's Harry." Rom finally gets out before crying into Fred's jumper.

"Hey little bro. What is it? What did he tell you? We're not gonna tell anyone. Come on bro."

"Promise?" Ron says lifting his head. This was meat with 2 nods form his big brothers. "Well you know that day just before Christmas? When I couldn't find Harry so went to see if he was in our dorm." The Twins nodded looking confused. "Well I found him but... Well. When I went in Harry had his shirt off... And well... He didn't look good. This was a good length into the year... He still had wounds form well... were his uncle had...were he had..." He couldn't say it. He couldn't find the words to say what the monster had done to his best mate. 

"Ron are you saying what I think you are?" Said George as they both slightly paled. He could only nod. The room was silent for awhile before Fred spoke up.

"We need to get him out."

What is family?- A Harry Potter FanficWhere stories live. Discover now