Together in the Badlands

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Lilly awoke several hours later to the first waves of a sun cresting over the horizon. The darkness of night still covered the swampland, but with a refreshing blue hue through which Lilly could see the land around her. The Badland swamp stirred with life. Amphibious creatures croaked and lept at florescent bugs that lit up the air. The trees around her also sparkled with the same luminescent insects. They danced through the sky and twinkled like stars. Murmuring in the air, dancing in the misty breeze, the bugs seemed to have no threatening agenda whatsoever, not something Lilly could say about most of the Badland creatures she had encountered on her quest. Lilly rubbed her eyes. She pushed herself up to watch the glittery display slack jawed in awe. The symphony of lights before her performed with a magic that she would have expected from the Featherlands, but never its horrifically foiled counterpart.

Soft yellow lights twirled and spun in the air; creatures that appeared to have no interest in causing the girl any harm. They greatly stood out amongst the navy blue sky above, cut with its own array of twinkling stars. Tiny bugs courted one another in a radiant exposition of love. Freely fluttering, casting their delicate rays down upon the world below. Lilly paused in the serene scene. She looked around. The scent of the swamp flora soothed her senses. The spectacle above captivated her in a way that made her forget that she was still inside the Badlands, if only for a moment. Her eyes sparkled in the dancing lights. A comfort unlike any she had experienced from the Badland environment before draped over her.

Lilly turned back to the ground after several minutes of staring up at the sky. She looked beside her to see an empty patch of grassy bedding. Lilly glanced all around until she came to the disturbing realization that she was, once again, alone. “Erica?” Lilly called out. The girl pushed herself to her feet. She brushed herself off and looked around. Not long after, Lilly heard a distant mumbling coming from being a set of bushes. Lilly repeated Erica’s name as she followed the murmuring through the bramble.

“Yes… I have to,” Lilly heard Erica speak through a tear-broken voice. “Thank you for understanding.” Lilly followed the voice through the greenery. She pushed vines, branches, and whole bushels out of her way before stumbling upon a swampy patch that merged with a small lake. The same light driven bugs flew around the air above the water, casting mirrored reflections of their celestial display. Peering out onto the beautiful scene in front of her, Lilly saw Erica kneeling on a large lily pad facing away from her. A blue light disappeared in front of the fairy just as Lilly looked out upon her. Erica looked up and around. She looked back and saw Lilly stepping out of the bush. “Oh… hey.” Erica wiped her cheeks clear. “I didn’t wake you, did I?”

“No,” said Lilly. “Who were you just talking to?” Erica stood up; her fairy frame had no effect on the sustainability of the lily pad.

“N… no one,” said Erica, rubbing her arm. Lilly shot the girl a suspicious look.

“Erica,” said Lilly. “You were talking to someone.” Erica nodded.

“I was checking in with Queen Deidra,” said Erica. “I can call her, but only at certain times, Letting her know that we’re safe and seeing how everything’s going back at home.”

“Okay,” said Lilly. “You don’t have to hide that from me. I understand.” Lilly approached the edge of the land, right before it dipped into the lake.

“How much did you hear?” Erica asked.

“Not much,” said Lilly. “Just the last little bit. Why?” Erica looked away. She hesitated in answering.

“Just curious,” said Erica.

“Is everything okay?” Lilly asked. The fairy looked back. The water in her eyes glistened back with the luminescent exposition in the air. Her pale, lost expression weighed heavy on her face. Erica’s wings, shining along with the nocturnal ballad of lights, hung low. The tear across the one wing appeared worsened by the fall. Erica nodded.

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