Rescue from the Badlands

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Lilly awoke the several hours later in a groggy daze. She remained bound as she did the night before; her arms clamped to her body and legs wound tightly shut in a sticky cryslist with only her hyper ticklish bare soles poking out at the bottom. The events of the previous hours came back to her in waves that felt more like dreams, nightmares, than memories. Lilly concluded that she must have actually passed out at one point or another. The girl looked up toward her friend as her vision slowly returned to her.

"Erica," Lilly whispered loudly, with no sight of the Spinnerettes. "Erica?" Piercing cackling replied to her cries from the branches beyond. Out stepped Deborah and her two sisters; their many legs delicately weaving their way toward her.

"Look, she's awake," said one of the nameless Spinnerettes.

"Let's hope she's been well rested for the day we have planned for her," said the other. The two creatures laughed to themselves while Deborah smirked and marched her way over to the wrapped girl.

"Dear human, it seems we've run into a bit of a problem," said Deborah, her face uncomfortably close to Lilly's. "Somehow, sometime in the middle of the night, your little fairy friend escaped." Lilly darted her head toward Erica's cocoon only to find an empty husk in its place. "I don't know how she got out, but she did. Your friend escaped and didn't take you with her. She left you here all alone with us to play with. Now, it doesn't have to be like that. You, my sweet pet, are going to help us find her and bring her back, understand?" Lilly shook her head, shaken by the thought of Erica leaving her behind.

"No," said Lilly. "Erica wouldn't leave me. I don't believe it." The two sisters scaled around the girl to face her tender pink soles, still trapped and immobile in the sticky silk.

"Oh, but she did," said Deborah. "And she isn't coming back for you, so I insist that you help us bring her back."

"No," Lilly repeated decisively. "I don't care of she did leave me, I won't help you."

"I think you will after we persuade you," said Deborah. In an instant, Lilly felt a barrage of twenty scribbling claws delicately dancing their way across her soft, sensitive soles. Her body immediately clenched and she reverted back to the laughing mess of ticklish nerves she remembered being the night before.

"AAAAAAAAAHAHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! NNNNHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!! SSSTTTAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHPPPPP!!!" Lilly screamed with laughter. She struggled to move her feet or clench her toes to protect herself, but was still effectively stuck in place. The sister Spinnerettes giggled in alluring awe at the volume of the girl's screams and the softness of her soles against their claws.

"Oh, wow, she's a really ticklish one, isn't she?"

"No wonder you had so much fun with her last night, Deborah."

"Yeah, I think it's our turn now." Deborah smirked.

"Have at her, ladies," said Deborah. "At least until she agrees to help us; we don't want to break her too early." With one set of ten meticulously scratching claws to each plush sole, the sisters continued their assault. Lilly's laughter soon echoed over the canopies.

"WWWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! NNNNNNHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHOOOOMMOORREEEEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHACCCCANNNTTTAAAKKEEEIIITTTTHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!" Lilly's face quickly delved back into a deep shade of red. The tickles without the sensitizing potion would have been more than enough to push her to her limits. However, with, the merciless scratches against her extra ticklish feet sent her beyond her limits and into the abyss of hysteria.

"Tickle, tickle, little toes," teased one of the sisters as she prodded her nails in between Lilly's trapped, soft toes.

"Oh, she just loves being our little pet, don't you, human?" asked the other. The beast scittered all of her claws like devilish bugs up and down her very own warm, pink sole. Within seconds, the Spinnerettes had converted Lilly back into the helpless, giggling tickle toy she was the night before. Deborah came around to her face to gaze upon the magnificent effects that the torture was having on the poor girl.

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