Friend of the Featherlands

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Lilly and her friends were fading quicker and quicker into exhaustion as the sun began falling out of the sky. The human girl could barely keep her eyes off of the bright magenta skyline at dusk. It was far more beautiful than any sky she had ever seen in her own world. She was silent. Lilly remembered carrying on small talk with her companions through the first hour of their trek, but could not remember the last thing she said to them.

"What are you thinking about?" asked Erica. Lilly didn't answer. She continued to stare up at the sky, oblivious at her friend's inquiry. "Lilly?"

"Huh?" asked Lilly. "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention."

"I could tell," said the fairy girl, laughing at Lilly's absent mindedness. "I asked what you were thinking about."

"Just how pretty the sky was," said Lilly. "I bet Silvia loved watching the sunset here."

"She's going to see it again," said Erica. "I promise." Out in front of the two girls slithered Flick across the ground, following the trail of comically large footprints left behind by Tucker's hopping. Lilly looked up at Erica and smiled.

"Thanks again for your help," said Lilly. "We will beat this witch and free each and every person she has imprisoned."

"I believe in your courage, Lilly," said Erica. "It will be a difficult quest, but one that I will follow you with until the end."

"Thanks," said Lilly. "Truth be told, I don't know anything about this Tickela or how to beat her, so I can really use all the help I can get."

"We'll find a way," said Erica. "There has to be a way."

"I believe that," said Lilly. "Tucker, about how much further to the Giggling Meadows?"

"'Bout half hour more, I'd say," called back Tucker.

"That's not so bad," said Lilly. Erica sighed. She looked back at her broken wing. She fluttered them, hoping that time had restored enough of her wing to make it functional again, but no change.

"I could probably get us there faster if my wing wasn't broken," said Erica in disgust. Lilly looked back at the fairies pair of wings.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," said Lilly. "I didn't even notice. What happened, if you don't mind me asking?"

"It's okay," said Erica. "It's happened a couple nights ago. I was collecting berries from tree tops just outside of the Featherland Forest when a couple Badland harpies showed up."

"Badland harpies?" asked Lilly.

"Foul creatures, harpies," said Erica. "Cackling hags with large black wings. They hunt in packs, typically at night, and prey on stray fairies. They cornered me among some branches. I tried to fly away, but they caught me out of the air. With two of them holding ankles, I wasn't strong enough to break free. They then began using their feathers to tickle my feet and toes. Harpy feathers are notoriously good tickling tools. I can't tell you how many there were tickling me then. Everything from then was kind of a blur. I tried to call for help, but all that came out was laughter. Of course, like everyone else of the Featherlands, I don't mind being tickled. I actually kind of enjoy it, but Badland creatures are known for tickling techniques designed for torture and anguish."

"I'm so sorry," said Lilly.

"Then, they pulled me back down to the branch I was perched on," said Erica, "and tied me to it with vines. My arms were pulled over my head and my ankles tied at the bottom. I couldn't move. They tied me down so hard, that's when I felt my wing start to break. That's when everything went bad. They all attacked me at once. I can still feel their nails scribbling all over my body. I can still hear their taunting laughs and phrases. They were everywhere. At least two in my armpits, one at my ribs, another at my belly, one squeezing my hips, two more at my thighs, another two at my knees, and one for each foot. It was a nightmare. I must have blacked out at some point, because the next thing I remember is waking up to all of my fairy sisters looking down at me, seeing if I was still alive. It was horrible. I know my wing will heal at some point, but I'll never forget what those harpies did to me." Lilly pulled Erica in for a hug and squeezed her tight.

"Trust me, I will never let anything like that happen to you while you're with me," said Lilly. "Do you believe that?" Erica didn't say anything right away, but hugged back even tighter. A single tear rolled down her pale, freckled cheek as a smile crept across her face.

"I do," said Erica. "Thank you, Lilly." The girls released their embrace.

"It might do you ladies some good to invest in some armor when we make it to the market district," said Flick.

"Armor?" asked Lilly.

"If you're going to be crossing over into the Badlands, you're going to want something to cover up all of your most ticklish spots," said Flick. Lilly looked down. She was still dressed in her tradition loose fitting, bedtime outfit. "You're especially not going to want to go in with nothing on your feet. Badland creatures would take full advantage of that."

"He's right," said Erica. "For both of us."

"I didn't think about about that," said Lilly. "But yeah, especially my feet. My feet are super ticklish." Erica smirked.

"Then don't let me catch you off guard," said Erica. "I just might have to test that claim." The two girls giggled.

"We're here," called out Tucker from the front. The darkening sky of night had prevented Lilly from seeing the village they were approaching. The girl looked around her. Several dim lanterns were strung all along the sides of a single wide road that ran through the district. Even in the dark, she could make out colorful, quaint cottages and cabins all throughout. Large signs hung just outside every facility, marketing their services. The street was quiet; no sign of anyone straggling about.

"It's too late to do anything now," said Flick. "You ladies better settle down at the Inn."

"What about you and Tucker?" asked Lilly.

"Don't worry about us," said Flick. "We can sleep just about anywhere. You two need a good night's rest for tomorrow."

"You're right," said Lilly. The group continued on the road until they found the Giggling Meadow Inn. "Thanks again, you guys. We'll see you in the morning."

"We'll be waitin'," said Tucker, strolling off into the night with Flick by his side. Lilly and Erica turned to go inside the Inn. Inside, candles lit with blue flames illuminated the lobby. The walls were pink and textured with feather printed in the molding. The lobby smelt of incense, the kind no doubt to soothe the worries of the weary traveler. The two girls approached the front counter and Lilly hesitated briefly when she saw the creature behind the counter. It was plump and furry, not unlike what bears looked like back in her home world, expect the Innkeeper seemed to resemble more of a teddy bear than the actual wild animal.

""Oh, pardon me," said the bear-like woman. "I did not notice anyone had arrived." She spoke slowly and kindly. "My name is Ruca. How may I help you ladies?"

"We would like a room for the night, ma'am," said Lilly. Ruco smiled and began searching for an empty room key when she stopped.

"That voice," said Ruco. "And you're human. You're the queen's sister, aren't you?" Lilly smiled briefly.

"Yes," said Lilly. "I've come to bring her back."

"Oh, happy day," said Ruco. "We're all so glad to have you with us in these trying times. Here, take suite 3. I'm sure you two will find it quite enjoyable. No charge."

"Really?" asked Lilly. The girl knew the innkeeper wasn't kidding when she handed her the keys without payment. "Thank you."

"Yes, thank you," said Erica.

"Here, I'll show you girls to your room," said Ruco. The kindly, plump bear woman walked out from behind the counter and led the girls down a long hallway. She stopped outside a door marked with the number 3. "Here you are, ladies. I do hope you enjoy your evening."

"We will," said Lilly, unlocking the door with the key. "Thank you so much again." Lilly and Erica walked inside the room and began inspecting all that it contained.

"And don't let the bedbugs bite," said Ruco with a smirk before slipping out of the doorway and down the hall. Lilly closed the door behind her and locked it tight.

"We should probably go ahead and get to sleep," said Lilly. "We have-." Before she could turn around, Lilly jumped and shrieked at the sudden sensation of fingers trapping her and tickling her sides. Erica had the girl held tight in her wiggling grasp. "EEEEKKKKKhahahahahahahahahahaaahaahaahaahaahaahaahaahaahaa!! Nnnnooooaaahaahahahahahahahahahaha!!"

"Aww, but I never got a chance to formally introduce myself," said Erica, scribbling her fingers against her sides and belly. "My my, you are a ticklish one. I can't wait to get down to those feet of yours." Lilly bucked and squirmed until she broke free of Erica's playful hold.

"Not before I get to yours first," said Lilly, pouncing back toward the fairy girl. The two girls laugh as Lilly pushes Erica onto the single bed in the room. Lilly straddles the fairy and begins to tickle under her arms.

"AAAAHHHHHHhhhahahahahahaahhahahahahaaahaah! Nooohahahatttthhereehahahahahahahaha!" Erica squealed and laughed while under Lilly's ticklish assault. The fairy girl clenched her arms by her sides, but this was not enough to stop the tickling fingers which had already crept inside her pits. Erica's armpits were smooth and hairless, warm to the touch. The fairy girl shrieked and shrilled with every scratching swipe of Lilly's fingernails against her ticklish skin.

"I guess I never properly introduced myself either," said Lilly, teasing her ticklish friend. Erica squirmed and belted mad, girlish laughter. "So, Erica, where are you most ticklish?" Lilly slowed her wiggling fingers long enough for her friend to catch her breath and answer.

"I'm n-ahah-t telling you," said Erica. "You'll ju-hehehehe-st have to find out." With that, Lilly's scribbling fingers moved down to the girl's ribs, sending a new wave of shrieking and squealing through the girl fairy. "EEEEKKKKKhahahahahahahahahahahaha!! Hahahahahahaha nnnaaahhhhhttt tthhheereeee hahahahahahahahahaha!!" Lilly remained tickling the girl's ribs just to gauge all of her ticklish reactions. The fairy girl was indeed ticklish, Lilly learned, probably as ticklish as she was. Erica squirmed and writhed on the bed the way any human girl would when being tickled. Lilly was beginning to embrace the lifestyle of the Featherlands to be much more enjoyable than that of her own.

"How about this?" asked Lilly, lowering her hands once again down to the girl's sides. Lilly began squeezing the fairy's sides and Erica tensed up with her arms against her body.

"AAAHHHHhahahahahahahahahahahaha!! Hahahahahaha nnnoopppeeee hahahahahahahahaha!!!" laughed Erica, squirming underneath Lilly's straddle.

"Wow, fairies really are super ticklish," said Lilly, continuing to tickle the girl's sides for several minutes. "Let's see. What about..." Lilly moved her attack to the fairy's belly, kneading around just outside of her bellybutton. As if a lightning bolt shot out of the sky and through the fairy, Erica bucked, nearly knocking off her tickling friend, and shrieked louder than ever.

"AAAAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! NNNNOOOOOO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!" Erica laughed. Lilly was momentarily afraid that her friend would wake up the entire Inn floor. The fairy bucked and laughed under the slightest of tickles by Lilly until her voice began to go.

"Wow, I think I found it," said Lilly. "How about..." Lilly dipped a single fingernail into the fairy's shallow bellybutton and a new surge of ticklish energy raced through the girl, as if bringing her back from the abyss of exhaustion.


"Oh, here?" asked Lilly mocking as she continued to scratch around the girl's navel. Lilly could tell that Erica was enjoying the exchange, for her hands fought to clench the sheets to the sides of her rather than trying to bat the tickles away. It was a refreshing sight, knowing that she was in no form of agony. Lilly continued gleefully scratching away with a single fingernail inside the girl's belly button while her other hand kneaded around the outside for several minutes before Erica finally overpowered her. The fairy lunged up at the girl and threw her face down onto the bed where she once laid trapped.

"I think it's your turn now," said Erica. "And where did you say you're most ticklish? Oh, that's right." With nimble grace, Erica held the girl on her stomach long enough to scoot down to the end of the bed where Lilly's bare feet hung off the end and sit on the girl's ankles, trapping Lilly's soles just between her knees.

"What?" asked Lilly in a giggling panic. "No, please don't. Not there." Lilly's pleas fell on deaf ears.

"Awww, you have the cutest little feet I've ever seen," said Erica, teasingly slow. "So small. So delicate. Look at these milky white arches." Erica ran a single teasing fingernail up Lilly's left arch, causing the girl to shriek and lurch.

"EEEEKKKKhahehe," laughed Lilly, nervous for the next unseen attack.

"Aww, and these adorable pink toes of yours," said Erica. "They're like short little plump berries I could just snack on for days." Erika swiped another single nail against her right big toe, sending another surge of ticklish electricity through the trapped girl.

"AAAAHHHHHhahahaha," laughed Lilly once again.

"Oh, I'm going to have a lot of fun with you tonight," said Erica. The girl lowered several slowly wiggling fingers down to the girl's trapped soles. In an instant, Lilly squealed and shot up off the bed, though she was still unable to free herself from the weight of the fairy sitting on her ankles.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! NNNOOOOOAAAAAAHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!" Lilly bucked and thrashed on the bed, but still found her feet to continue to be at the mercy of Erica's revenge. Erica scaled up and down Lilly's soft soles with skittering nails, teasing the girl with every tickle.

"Tickle tickle tickle," taunted Erica. "Aww, are Lilly's little feet ticklish?" Lilly continued to thrash and writhed atop the bed, laughing her face into a beat red color. Erica's finely trimmed nails skittered along Lilly's soft pink soles like a playful feline toying with its meal. Lilly's feet were warm and soft to the touch. Each light scrape against her hyper sensitive skin sent the girl deeper in a hysterical frenzy of ticklishness.

"WWWWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!" Lilly screamed with laughter. She tried to cover up one foot with the other, but Erica's skilled fingers attacked whichever sole she could access with effective accuracy. Within minutes that felt like hours, the pixie girl stopped. Lilly panted until her breath finally caught up with her; her face a deep red color.

"My, my, you are a ticklish one," said Erica. "But I can't help but notice that you have some of the cutest toes I have ever seen." Erica reached up to a pocket in her tunic and pulled out an object which Lilly could not see. "Now, any ordinary Featherlander would recognize this little guy simply on contact, by the effect it has on ticklish skin. Since you're new, I might as well fill you in. This here is a Lowland Scavenger feather, a particularly nasty bird with a highly valuable feather. You see, Scavenger feathers have a way about them that makes them very good tickle tools. Each individual fiber in the feathers becomes almost alive in the presence of ticklish skin. They move about on their own, tickling the most sensitive areas they can get to. It's especially effective against smaller areas like belly buttons and, of course, cute little toes." Lilly remained quiet, each word of Erica's sending waves of tense anticipation through her body. She didn't really know what it was that her friend was talking about, but she bit her bottom lip and clenched the bed sheets tight in preparation for impact. "Listen to me, rambling on about it when I can just show you how it feels. Ready? Here it comes." Erica lowered the feather down to the ball of her left foot. Just as the feather made contact, Lilly let out a shriek of pure ticklishness.

"AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! WWHHHHAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!" Lilly thrashed and laughed as the fairy girl softly danced the feather up to her toes. Dragging the feather in and around Lilly's bubbly, soft toes, Lilly quickly learned what was so special about the feather. The individual fibers of the feather seemed to splay off in different directions, wiggling their way underneath and in between Lilly's scrunched up toes.

"See what I mean?" Erica asked, still slowly guiding the feather against the smooth pads of Lilly's ticklish toes. It was a ticklish sensation, and intensity, that Lilly had never felt before.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! HAHAHAHNNNAAAHHHTTTHHEETTOOOESSSSHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Lilly begged through fits of laughter. Her breath quickly faded back away from her as her face returned to its maroon tone. Erica knew she would stop soon, but was having far too much fun with her new friend to quit then. She meticulously coursed the feather back and forth against her pads, letting the almost magical nature of the feather do the rest of the work tickling the poor girl's toes. Each time Lilly tried to block the tickling by placing one foot over the other, Erica would simply switch to the new set of toes presented to her, as if Lilly was asking for more tickling. There was nothing Lilly could have done to stop the playful, nearly torturous tickling from happening.

"You are a fun little human girl, aren't you?" Erica asked teasingly. "Now, I've always heard of the ticklishness of young human girls, but I've never really experienced it until now. Let's try one more thing." Erica gently laid her tiny hand across all five of Lilly's right toes and pushed them back, revealing five short stems underneath five pretty pink pads. She then began to run the feather ever so softly against her milky white stems.

"NNNNNANNNAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! NNNOOOOOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" A new wave of ticklish energy coursed through the teenage girl as she writhed and thrashed about on the bed. The feather worked its fibers against every single space in and around Lilly's toes, leaving no hypersensitive nerve unexplored. Erica, lost in her own amusement, gently guided the feather back and forth across the girl's ticklish toe stems for several minutes before putting the feather back in her pocket. The young pixie hopped off of the human and watched as the girl laid face down on the bed, fighting to catch her breath, with her bare feet still hanging off of the end.

"That was fun, wasn't it?" Erica asked innocently, hoping she had not pushed the girl too far. Lilly could not answer in the moment. Erica bent down by the end of the bed and gave each of Lilly's soles a gentle kiss. Though each kiss send a twitching nervousness through the girl, Lilly answered back with a large, if exhausted, smile across her face.

Erica stood and began tucking the fatigued Lilly into bed, covering her with the bed spread, and situating her head on her pillow. Before the fairy girl could extinguish the lantern in the room, Lilly was fast asleep. Erica turned out the light and crawled into bed beside the human girl. A slight ray of blue tinted moonlight cast into the room. With it, Erica could still see Lilly's sleeping face in the darkness. She had not noticed before the smoothness of her cheeks or the color in her lips. Her hair shined in the moonlight like the dance of a hundred night's stars. Her quest was selfless; vowing to save the entire Featherlands even at the risk of her own safety. Erica, fighting the urge to brush the girl's hair so as to see more of her radiant face, elected not to risk waking the sleeping girl. The days ahead of her would be treacherous. Erica, in that moment, knew that she would not leave the girl's side during her quest, even for a minute. She knew that she was becoming emotionally compromised, particularly attached to the human girl, but she would see her guardianship through until the end, keeping Lilly alive and happy, even at the cost of her own life.

"Goodnight, Lilly," Erica whispered. Lilly, lost in the translucent void of sleep, did not answer back. Erica eventually fell asleep beside the girl after what could have been hours of watching the slumbering girl breath.

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