Getting a taste of Perfection.

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The Next Day.......

After Being Awoken by the Alarm, I rubbed my eyes and Looked at the time. 5:00 a.m. Great. I get up wayyy to Early in the Morning. I Slip out of bed and make my way to the shower. After 10minutes of cleansing myself I step into my room and stare at myself in the mirror.

My wet strands of Hair cover my face. My eyes are a little weary. My face is a Pale Brown Color. Overall, I look... Not so Nice.

"By the way, you should Smile more. It makes you look...Nice."

Remembering Craig say those words involuntarily puts a smile on my face. If smiling makes me look Nice, I wonder... I walk over to my Closet gazing at my Clothes with a Smirk planted on my face.

Today is the start of something Different.-

"Alright, Bye Mom, tell Dad I said I love him!" I yell to my Mom. Before I even touch the door knob she goes, "Where you goin' with that hot ass Cloak on?" I suck my teeth. "It ain't even a Cloak!" "Take it off." She states bluntly. "Maaaaaaaa." I whine. "Alright, I’ ma let you Burn up in that 90 something Degree weather." "Okay, Love you!" I state cheerful and left out the door.

 I walk to Emily's House and I see she's waiting on the Swing. The swing that's attached to her roof, ya know what I'm talking about? Great. :)

"What the Hell are you wearing?" I screech. "I should say the same for you." She smirks, eying me. "It's a jacket." "I can see that. Why are you wearing one? Did your Mother let you out the house like that? She fires the questions at me. I shake my head and answer. "Because, I can and Yes. She did." "I bet she said, and I quote: 'I’ ma let yo' ass burn up in this 90 something degree weather.'"

I look at her suspicious. "That's exactly -Well Close enough- what she said. I'm afraid you, my friend, might be stalking me."  "In your Dreams, 'Litha," She rolls her eyes playfully. "Now let's go before we're late." As we start walking I ask, "What are you wearing?" She grins at me. "Ah, It's My Latest Plan...."


After arriving at school I've learned from the long walk and speech Emily has given me that the outfit is a part of her plan, Cosplay. Cosplay, for those who don't know, is something people in Japan Do. (It originated from)  It's dressing up in Costumes. Cosplay; Costume play, mostly based on Anime and stuff. Anyway, she says it's her latest Project. Her and a few of her 'Anime Friends' are testing which costume gets the most Rep. It's a Long Story.

"Alright, Let's get to Class. I think the bell has rung already." Em grabs my hand and we walk into our homeroom together. We have History as first period. "Alitha and Emily You're late." Says our Teacher. "By Two Minutes, Got da-" "Sorry Mrs. Gean. We'll make sure to be on time, Next time!" I rush, cutting off Emily. "See too it." Mrs.Gean grunts. We take our Seats, getting crazy Stares along the way. I mean if you saw two Girls dressed in God knows what, you'd stare crazily, too!

"When are you gonna take this off?" Emily ask, motioning towards my Jacket. "When the time is right." I state simply. She leaves it at that and we both focus on Mrs.Gean until Class is over.

By the Time its Lunch, I'm in the Hallway putting up My Books.  "Look Girls its Freak 1. I guess you're Mama Didn't Teach you what to wear during the summer, Huh?" Ashley and her Crew comes up and start standing around me. I slam my Locker door and turn around. "It's rude to Name Call. But I guess your Mother didn't teach you Manners, either." I cross my arms with a smirk planted on my face. She walks close to me and pushes "I guess we both need to learn a thing or two."

I was just about to pull her Hair but Emily came from Behind and grabbed me. "Calm down. You have plenty of times to do that later." I listen to her and get myself together. "Alright, You Ready?" I nod my head. We both walk in the Lunchroom. Like earlier eyes are on us but I try to ignore them as I grab my lunch and sit at the table. "Mami chu No look Good. What's with The Jacket?" I look up to see Gabriela Sanchez. She's a senior but also a Neighbor of Mine. We talk every once and a while, when we have the time. Looks like she does.

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