The camera

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WARNING ⚠️ this chapter consists of rape and sexual assault, if these things trigger you please do not read‼️

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

The door to my pitch black room slammed open. I put my hand over my eyes for my eyes hadn't adjusted to the light coming in through the door. I saw Jasper approach me with no Tyrus to be seen. My eyes began to tear up as I remember what Jasper told me in the car "Tyrus won't always be around to protect you from me". Tears began to flow down my face the closer he got, he turned on the dim lights in the room and shut the door. As he stood right in front of me I then realized he had a camera and a mask with a opening at the eyes and mouth in his hand. He sent up the camera then looked back at me as he licked his lips.

Kai's P.O.V

Before (y/d/n) could finish his sentence I stopped him, he looked at me in confusion as I walked behind him picking up a note I couldn't believe I didn't notice sooner, as I opened it up and read it my eyes widened, the fear visible on my face, (y/d/n) looked at me in concern,
   "What does it say!?", he yelled.

(Y/d/n) P.O.V

   "Dear Mr.(L/n)
       As you know, long ago you took something from me and now I'm taking something from you. Your son is currently being sexually abused, raped, and tortured. Its on live video, I will connect it to your computer and you can watch him from there.
   Sincerely, P", Kai read out loud as tears streamed down my face and the whole investigation team looked down in sorrow.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

You look into the camera and look down at your naked body, you closed your eyes tight as a tear escaped. You hear Jasper chuckle causing you to open your eyes you see him smirk. He easily overpowered you as he slammed you onto the table behind you and hand cuffed you to it. He then wrapped both arms around you neck starting to choke you, you tried to push him off but nothing was working until he finally released you as you gasped for air. He turned around to make sure you and him weren't out of frame of the camera as he unzipped his pants. You tried to run, you struggled as the cuffs held you back, you start to bawl. Jasper smirks as he enters himself in you, raping you. You look away from the camera, closing your eyes. He started choking me again, I couldn't breathe. He then punched me with full force into my ribs hearing one crack as I screamed in pain and agony. He let my neck go as I continued to cry and scream, digging my nail into my palms.
  "P-please stop y-y-you're HURTING M-ME", you said weakly then yelling. But he continued to rape you. When he finished he took a needle and injected it into you, before passing out you saw him turn off the camera and walk out of the room slamming the door.

(Y/d/n)'s P.O.V

I stared at my computer in shock as the live turned off. I held back my tears as Kai was trying to do a geographical profile but didn't get anything she then turned to her right hand man, Jeremy. She asked him where some main warehouses would be.

Kai's P.O.V

  "Give me a second, it seems that there are 4 abandoned warehouses", Jeremy says trying to stay calm after what he just saw on the live.
   "Does the initial P own any of them?", I asked him.
  "Actually apparently she owns all of them, and her birth name is actually Pauline Freeman", Jeremy says. I look at (y/d/n) suspiciously remembering he said that was the name of the woman he was on the phone with earlier. The team tracked to phone number near all the warehouse but didn't pin it on a specific one. I sat down in confusion not understanding where they could be since there is no building where the car was traced to, are they underground perhaps? My thoughts where interrupted buy
(y/d/n) yelling,
   "Ouh God, KAI THE CAMERA IS BACK ON!!", I rushed to (y/d/n)'s side and watched.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I woke up hanging by my hands. Jasper walked towards me with a knife. He put his hand between you legs and began to sexually harass you, with the camera on and running, you cried and closed your eyes. You kicked him in the face full force, you saw blood pour out of him nose and he held onto it yelling in pain. He glared at you and and cut you along your side, not enough to kill you but just enough to bring you extreme amounts of pain. He then put the knife right over you heart and began to cut deeper and deeper.
  "S-STOP P-PLEASE!", you yell he smirks as he sets to knife to the side and continues doing what he was going before. You were crying as he continued his actions. When he was satisfied and finally stopped he cut the rope letting you collapse onto the ground then hitting you upside the head with a glass bottle breaking it upon your skull. You blacked out.

Jasper's P.O.V

(Y/n) was getting up, I began to panic, did I kill him?! I checked his pulse and felt nothing.
    "Shit Tyrus is gonna kill me", I whisper under my breath. I think of what to do and attempt to give CPR. Suddenly Tyrus walked in. I looked up at him in fear.
   "I-I'm sorry sir the situation got out of hand", I apologized quickly. He looked at (y/n) in slight shock, he punched me and pushed me to the side, once punch almost knocking me out completely. I look at him and yelled.
   "I was just doing my job, Pauline told me to!", Tyrus then glared at me.
   "Well Pauline isn't here right now meaning I'm in charge and when I'm in charge NO HURTING THE BOY!", I shrunk down in fear of his strong loud voice. Tyrus began to give the kid CPR until finally the kid woke up.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I suddenly regained my conciseness as I coughed up blood and threw up more blood to me side. Tyrus got up and turned off the camera.

(Y/d/n)'s P.O.V

Everyone stared in shock at what just happened, I was crying as I put my head in my hands and sobbed. Kai had already sent a group out to check the warehouses and there was nothing. That's when Kai spoke up.
  "I believe they are underground, right here", she pointed on the map in between the 4 warehouses, "I want everyone to go back and check to see if there is any entrances to underground." She ordered.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2017 ⏰

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