40,000,000 yen

4K 125 46

WARNING‼️ these next couple of chapters have to deal with kidnap, abuse, cursing, and sexual harassment. If any of these issues make you uncomfortable please do not read the chapters I put a warning on for all these situations are very serious and shouldn't be taken lightly.

Kyoya's P.O.V

"He's been kidnapped Honey-senpai", I said, my words laced with sadness and concern written all over my face. Hearing those words every one began to look down in sadness but Honey just stood there with no reaction. Tamaki looked down at him.
"Honey?", Tamaki said walking closer to the small boy. Tamaki kneeled down and looked Honey in the face, the light that was once in his eyes had gone dull as tears began to appear. Tamaki pulled him into a hug, Honey hugged back crying into his shoulder.
   "We need to do s-s-something", Honey yelled between sobs. I sighed sadly.
   "Every policeman, detective, even swat team in Japan is looking for him and with that many people looking for him he will surely be found soon.", I said tying to cheer up Honey and himself too but I knew that if a child isn't found within 3 days then he is more than likely dead. Tears fell from my eyes from that thought.

(Y/n's) P.O.V

I slowly woke up and opened my eyes I tried to see where I was but all I saw was black, I was blindfolded. I tried to move my arms and legs but my movement was restricted by the ropes that tied my limbs together. I tried to scream but my mouth was duct taped together. I started to panick I wiggled around trying to get out of the ropes when a got a hard hit to the face. I could feel the tears falling down my face.
"Unless you wanna get hit again I suggest you shut the fuck up." a man said in an angry voice.
"Hey what did I tell you about hitting the boy, if we want that ransom money he has to be unharmed." Another man said with a deep intimidating voice.
Where am I?! I thought to my self as I began so sob. I could tell we were in a car because I could hear the other cars on the road. I began to sob more, did they kidnap my sisters too? Or hurt my mom or dad? And what about Jerry is he dead?? All these thoughts made me begin to panic more I sobbed even louder and began to try and get my hands and feet out of the ropes. I suddenly felt someone grab my hair and pull my head back then slamming it back down into the mans knee. I felt my nose snap as it broke and the blood rush out of my nose and down my face. I scream in agony from the pain but it was muffled by the duct tape.
"WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT HITTING THE BOY, JASPER!", the man with a deep voice screamed at the man who hit me. The man who hit me which I assumed name was Jasper began to laugh.
"Bahaha Ouh calm down Tyrus a little broken nose isn't too bad now is it, (y/n)?", hearing Jasper say my name sent shivers down my spine. I felt him grap my face as he licked the tears off my cheek. I moved my head away in disgust. He released my face and began to chuckle again. I heard a slap.

3rd person P.O.V

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR TYRUS?!", Jasper screamed in pain as he held his face.
"Must I repeat myself? The boy must be in good health for us to get our ransom money", Tyrus said as he glared back at Jasper then put his eyes back on the road and continued to drive. Jasper was sitting next to (y/n) in the back seats of the black car. Jasper leaned close to (y/n) whispering someone in his ear causing (y/n) to shrink in fear.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I felt Jasper lean closer to me, I could feel his breath on my ear and neck.
"Tyrus won't always be around to protect you from me", he whispered in a menacing voice causing me to shrink in fear. He chuckled and sat back from me.
I suddenly felt the car come to a stop and the doors opened. Jasper grabbed me by the hair and pulled me along and all I could do was follow him. After walking a little bit we entered a building and Jasper slammed me down into a chair. He took off my blindfold so I could finally see. I looked around my surroundings I was in an abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere. I saw Jasper he was much shorter than Tyrus but still taller than me, he had messy brown hair, he was skinny but you could tell that he still had muscle. Tyrus was extremely tall with no hair at all, obviously older and much more muscular than Jasper. I assumed Tyrus was Jasper's boss but did Tyrus have a boss? Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by the should of heels. A tall woman walked in with bleach blond hair and bright red lipstick. She was a scrawny lady with many wrinkles on her face. She approached me then bent down to my level, she looked me in my (e/c) eyes with her beady green ones. Then suddenly she ripped the duct tape off my mouth making me scream and begin to sob. She stood back up to her full height.
"SILENCE!", she screamed in her high pitched raspy voice causing Jasper to flinch. I tried to silence my sobs but I couldn't stop.
"I-I'm sorry b-b-but I can't s-stop", I said between sobs. She began to grow angry then slapping me making me cry even harder.
" I said silence!", she said still loudly but more calm. I chocked back my sobs and began to slowly but surely quiet down. I gulped,
"W-why?", I questioned quietly in a weak voice. The woman cocked her head and stared and me.
"Why?", she said as she began to creepily smile. Tyrus put a hand on her shoulder.
"Pauline, do calms dow-", Pauline slapped Tyrus across the face.
"How dare you interrupt me?!", she screamed at him. He glared at her then looked down. She directed her attention back to me.
"Why, well you see dear, your daddy owes me a little bit of money", she said with a smile on her face. I glared at her.
"My dad d-doesn't owe you a-anything!", I said angrily. She began to chuckle
"Ouh you really don't know anything about dear dad know do you?", she questioned laughing I looked at her with a look of confusion mixed with anger. She giggled once more.
"Get that brat out of my sight", and with that Pauline walked out of the room leaving me with Jasper and Tyrus. Tyrus grabbed me and pulled me along into a dark room that had a little window in the door so I could be supervised. Tyrus untied me then threw me in the room. And walked out slamming the door and locking it behind him.

(Dads/name) P.O.V

  "WHERE IS MY SON!?", I yelled at the lead investigation team.
  "We are trying to figure it out sir we don't have many leads but we will do everything in our power to find your son", Kai, the lead investigator said she patted me on the back. I sighed as I sat down at my desk and put my head in my hands when suddenly the phone on my desk began to ring. Everyone in my office became on high alert. Kai motioned me to answer the phone as she and her team got ready to record the conversation and try to track where the call is coming from.
  "Hello? Who is this?", I questioned in a stern tone.
  "Do calm down dear I just called so that we could have a little...chat", I froze in terror at the voice I heard, I gulped.
   "Pauline", I said her name with disgust.
   "Awe you remember me great,", her tone went from happy to dark,"now hopefully you remember what you did", she ended her sentence with a dark chuckle. I gulped. Kai gave me a weird look as she listened to the conversation and took notes while the others tracked the phone call.
  "Well I don't want to keep you too long but just know that if you don't have 40,000,000 yen for me in the next two days then we kill your one and only baby boy." Pauline said as she began to laugh I was about to yell at her but before I could she hung up. Concern was written all over my face I know that Pauline will stop at nothing to get what she wants. Kai looked at me confused yet sternly.
"What did you do?" She questioned. I sighed.
  "I knew I couldn't keep it a secret forever". I looked her in the eyes.
  "It all started when-"

But yea sorry for taking like 20 years to update I was having a bit of writers block and also I'm far too lazy so sorry for that but I will try to be more consistent 👍🏼

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