11/22/17 requesting from several graphic designers.

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Hello, one of our members will not be taking requests any more.

Aniya or shprism, will not be taking anymore requests since she has been pushed to her limit of people requesting from another graphic designer without our knowledge.

This was the request:

This was the request:

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image.

This was the cover she made:

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image.

This was the cover she made:

And this was the cover the author used, without letting Aniya know that they requested from someone else:

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image.

And this was the cover the author used, without letting Aniya know that they requested from someone else:

And this was the cover the author used, without letting Aniya know that they requested from someone else:

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image.

(The description did not say who made this cover, but we are assuming it's @SLOTHTATO.)

We have nothing against SLOTHTATO, or any of the graphic designers people request from at the same time of requesting from us, they obviously didn't know that they requested from someone else already. We have enough faith into people requesting NOT to request from someone else, enough faith to stop us from asking every single graphic designer we know to ask if the same person requested from them for the same story.

With that said, some of you might think that this is not that big of a deal for us to be even thinking about doing something as drastic as that.

We are here to remind you that this has happened countless of times. However, we keep going since we love making graphics for you all so damn much, and we really don't want to disappoint anyone. But, if it's happening numerous times to us, we will most likely get pushed to our limit like Aniya had been, and eventually lose our want to take requests—and maybe graphics as a whole. So yes, it is a big deal.

It's not Aniya that this has happened to, this happens frequently with all of our members as well. Julia (korslay) has also contemplated quitting graphics for good because of this issue.

We are not here to tolerate your disrespect. It is practically equivalent to a punch in the gut, kick to the ribs, and a spit on our face when we find out someone requested from another designer without our knowledge. Because yes, we are people too, and we have feelings too, so just because you have not personally experienced what we go through everyday doesn't mean you should completely ignore this issue.

We're asking everyone here. DO NOT request from a graphic designer without our knowledge if you have already requested from us, and vice versa. It's disrespectful to our work, and any graphic artist's work. Please do not do it!

We will put up a public blacklist if this keeps up, and to anyone who does this from now on, they will immediately be muted on this account and personal accounts.

Thank you for reading, have a great day.

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