Chapter 3

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"Mom. Dad. I'm home," Wren called as she stepped into her yard, leaving me behind.

The cheek wasn't even going to give me a hand. Typical Wren!

Her parents came out immediately. Without even greeting Wren they ran forward to meet me by the gate.

"Oh my, you've grown up well, Wes," Aunt Cara mused, taking in my appearance and squeezing my arm good naturedly.

I had to drop my luggage as Uncle Tim shook my hands vigorously. "How was your study, son?"

"It was great, Uncle Tim," I replied. My eye caught Wren sticking her tongue out at me before stomping inside their house.

The commotion caused by my aunt and uncle alerted my parents and soon they too came bounding out from our house.

Both my uncle and my dad took my luggage while my aunt and my mom steered me towards my aunt's house.

We were soon all gathered into the big living room. I knew my family was going to throw a party as soon as I got back but I didn't know it needed the two families organizing it.

I was seated alone on one sofa. The two head of the families were on the other while my aunt and mom sat on the armrests beside each of their husbands.

Finally my grandfather, well, he was technically Wren's grandfather and my grandfather's best friend but I've known him for such a long time that not calling him gramps would sound even weirder, came walking in with Wren helping him.

I stood and helped Wren sit him down.

"What's going on?" I whispered to her as we sat down.

"I don't know," she replied, shrugging her shoulders.
The gathering seemed a bit off for my liking. Wren obviously had no clue to what was going on.

"Is there something going on?" I asked, and spotted my mother and aunt giving a look to each other. My dad and uncle just cleared their throats and turned away from us.

"Wren, dear, why don't you go bring Wes and I some tea," grandpa Joe suggested.

I watched Wren stand up and give me another shrug before walking over to the kitchen.

"Grandpa Joe, is there something you need to tell me?" I repeated. It seems as if they were keeping something from me.

"Son, you know when your grandfather and I served together in the war we made a promise to each other," he began.

I nodded my head. I've knew this story by heart.

"Back then each of us were married and had a child along the way. We promised each other that if the other one made it out alive they will look after the other's family."

"I know grandpa, you used to tell me and Wren this story when we were younger," I said.

"Yes. But what I didn't tell you was that we made another promise to each other. Your grandfather and I had a very close relationship even though we weren't blood related. It was his last wish that we make that relationship more stronger when our children were born."

"What are you saying grandpa?" I asked not understanding what he was implying.

"Your grandfather and I wanted our children to marry but that couldn't happen because we both had sons."

"I don't understand."

"It was your grandfather's wish to join our two families into one. I've already talked it out with your dad and your uncle and they have agreed to let you get married."

I chuckled lightly, bewildered by what he was even suggesting. "This is some sort of joke right? Mom?" My mother pursed her lips and turned away when I looked to her. "Aunt Cara? Dad? Uncle Tim?" My questions were met only with silence and downcast looks.

"It's not a joke, Wes," grandpa Joe stated.

"Does she know?" I asked, indicating Wren.

The elders all shook their heads.

As if on cue, Wren came in with the tea tray, oblivious to whatever has been planned out for both of our futures.

"Here you are, grandpa," she placed his cup on the coffee table. "Be careful it's hot."

She handed me a cup and sat down, placing the tray on her lap. "So what is going on?"

"Wes is getting married soon," grandpa Joe downright stated.

Just like how I expected she would react, Wren laughed hysterically. "He...married? Is this a joke? What did he do? Knock up some girl?"

I rolled my eyes as she looked at me in question. I may have been a ladies man but I wouldn't do something so dishonorable.

Aunt Cara quickly bounded up from the armrest and walked over to Wren, grabbing her by the shoulders. "It's not a joke, Wren."

"Well, then who is he marrying?" she asked still giggling as she wiped away tears.

Aunt Cara turned her gaze away before replying. "You. He's marrying you, Wren."

Wren's giggles continued after a few seconds before Aunt Cara's words finally sunk in.

"Wait- what?" she asked, brows scrunching up.

"Wren," I say, beginning to get frustrated as well that I was being pushed into marriage life much earlier than I wanted. "Grandpa Joe and our parents are saying that we are going to be married."

"Haha...but-but why?" she cried, tears starting to form in her eyes. "Mom? Dad?" she questioned, turning to her parents.

I reached over to comfort her but she pulled away from me.

"And you," she stood and pointed a finger at me. "Were you in on this too?"


"Is that why you came back earlier? I can understand Mom and Dad and Uncle Eric and Aunt Rita being in on this...this horrendous scheme...but you?" she said as she eyed me accusingly.

"It's not like that at all." I tried to say, splaying my hands.

"Oh really? I suppose it's also the reason why you bought me this stupid ring as a gift. Well, you can take it back because I don't want it." She pulled off the ring which had been dangling on her neck and threw it next to where I sat. After that she finally stomped off upstairs, sobbing.

"Well, that went well," I commented, huffing as I leaned back against the sofa.

The elders all turned to glare at me.

I shrugged nonchalantly and said. "You guys really didn't think this through, did you?"

Semester break is on and I am on a roll. Not necessarily so but being home now is kinda boring as hell. Hopefully I'll be updating my stories more regularly.

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