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The room was dark and it was hard to tell just how close Clarke was sitting to me, but I can assure you it would closer than I would've expected.

When I walked into her apartment I felt like the air that was suffocating me was finally let loose, like a dog on a chain just waiting to be set free.

Because for some strange unexplainable reason, I was scared. I was scared that Clarke would do something stupid because of what that imbecile Finn did.

I wasn't going to let that happen, not to anyone. I had watched too many people die in front of me to be able to watch another, when I could've done something to put a halt to the train heading for the broken bridge.

Luckily it hadn't got there. Maybe I was being paranoid and it was never going to go there.

The tension between me and Clarke was almost unbearable, and for some reason I actually cared about it.

Clarke looked in a state of mess when I got here, but nothing that would indicate actual harm.

'Despicable Me' made her laugh, bringing back memories of Octavia and I. Clarke was completely and utterly absorbed in the film, but little did she notice that I wasn't even looking at the screen.

It was a strange feeling, the fact that the same blonde girl that had made me loose one of the biggest deals, a huge embarrassment to my name, was sitting next to me and I was watching a movie with her.

Destiny is strange like that, and although I've said many times that fate and karma and all that crap is bullshit, I don't think it is.

The end credits rolled around eventually, and Clarke bounced up and down on the couch.

"That was fantastic! How had I never watched that movie before?" She clapped.

"Dunno," I mumbled. I still didn't know what I was doing in her apartment.

Clarke fumbled for the remote and switched the T.V off. There was a strange silence of what seemed to last for hours, but was at most only ten seconds. Her eyes darted from side to side, refusing to meet with mine.

I decided to make a move.

"Are you okay?" I asked, picking up my things.

"I'm good. I feel better now..."

"Okay. I'm leaving, take care of yourself Clarke." Jumping on my feet, I shoved my hands in my pockets and headed for the door.

Clarke's voice cracked. "Hey Bellamy?"

I turned around to see her staring dead at me in the eyes this time. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. Maybe they were right.

"Thank you. For everything, I owe you one." She hesitated.

Things went from 100% awkward to only 10% awkward. I smiled at her, one of my genuine smiles, I didn't think this day would come. "It's okay."

"I think I'll go to work tomorrow," she said gloomily.

"Okay." Just as I was about to turn around, the small smile on her face disappeared and the color from her face drained, as she fell onto the floor with a loud thud.


Panic rose in my chest as a blacked-out Clarke lay on the couch where I had placed her.

Should I call an ambulance? Wait I should try and wake her up first. NO what if she's dying? BELLAMY SHUT UP AND DO SOMETHING!

"Stupid, stupid, stupid!" I yelled at myself. I rushed over to Clarke and tried to gently shake her. Grabbing the glass of water that happened to be conveniently placed on the table, I rushed over to Clarke and splashed her face with it multiple times.

Miraculously, she woke up. Her eyes opened slowly and she mumbled some gibberish under her breath.

"Clarke? Are you okay? You fainted I think."

She gazed up at me with a confused frown as if she didn't recognize me. "Huh?"

"You just blacked out."

"Where's dad?"

"Your dad? I-I don't know Clarke you never told me."

Clarke laughed, tears streaming down his face. "Oh. That's right, he's dead."

Taken aback from her sudden insanity, I moved the strands of hair stuck to her drenched face, the water and sweat fell in little droplets. For the first time since I'd met her, I looked into her eyes in such a way, that I was forced to look away.

I recognised that pain. The same one I saw when I looked into my own eyes in the mirror every day before I went to war. The pain I saw every time I looked into Octavia's eyes when the train departed the station.

Moving further away from me. Living in fear, not knowing if I'd ever come back, if it was the last time she was going to see her brother. If I had died out there, the last thing I'd see is my sisters tear stained face.

"Hey, I'm here and I won't leave this time," I comforted. I know she's not O, but I felt like it was something I needed to say, my final fee that I needed to pay.

"Will you stay with me?" Clarke asked. "Stay the night, I mean..."

I hesitated. "Of course." My mouth spoke before I could think it through. "I will stay with you if you want me to princess."

Clarke did not seem even the slightest bit bothered by the nickname this time, and cried a little more. "Promise?"



I clenched my fists as I watched Clarke sleep. Her expression changed so frequently, signalling signs of mixed emotions.

Happiness turned into confusion and sadness. Then she'd gasp and wake up, or scream, or cry. And repeat. Over and over and over again.

"I'm so sorry," she coughed, propping herself up on her bed.


She paused. "My dad, I get nightmares about him..."

I could relate on a level even she couldn't.

"...he...killed himself."

"I'm sorry to hear that," I murmured.

"You must think I'm stupid for-"

"Shut up." I demanded. "I understand, I promise."

War, death, murder.

Clarke shuffled closer to me, seated on the end of her bed. "Everyone has a story. What is your story Bellamy Blake?"


A/N: Hey guys, so it legit has been a million years since I updated, but I have my end of year exams right now, in fact I'm writing this with a maths exam tomorrow (ugh honestly stuff calculus, algebra and statistics smh) Thank you so much for your patience!

But anyway here it is, chapter 25! I re-read this story from the beginning yesterday (yes thats how long it's been, I've actually forgotten my own story) and realised that I'm actually so bad at writing now whoops lmao, I was wayyyy better back then.

Also as I wrote this chapter I noticed that writing in Bellamy's POV is actually so much harder and less interesting. I think it's because I've made Clarke's character a lot like me, and Bellamy is this mystery and kinda depressing while Clarke is more humorous and light hearted. It's why I write in Clarke's POV more.

Shit this is a long authors note. Next chapter, anything could happen. Will Bellamy walk away? Will something happen between him and Clarke? Will we learn some secrets? Find out next chapter!!

Kitty x

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