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chan-yong's scream woke up everyone in the gaming house.

"holy fucking shit!" he yelled ecstatically, grinning like an idiot, "you finally admitted it!"

min-ho whined. "hyung! you're being too loud!" he covered his burning face. ahhhhhh, this was so embarrassing!

'why the fuck did I say that?!' he thought to himself, hating how smug chan-yong looked right now. the jungler had "i told you so" written all over his face, and he was doing a little victory dance that looked weird as hell to min-ho.

but then again, having a crush on the great god faker isn't that bad... right?

well, um. who wouldn't like him, right?

min-ho was probably redder than a tomato at this point. his brain had suddenly thought of a million reasons why he liked faker.

one, faker's double personality - serious in game, dorky in real life - was adorable as heck to min-ho.

two, faker's smile was the purest thing he's ever seen.

three, he's the best midlaner out there, he can kick anyone's ass if he wants to.

four, faker is probably nice to hug.


min-ho shook his head to clear his thoughts.

'what the fuck,' he gulped internally.

'chan-yong hyung is right, i'm in too deep...'

the annoyed groans from the rest of samsung galaxy can be heard, much to chan-yong's amusement and min-ho's embarrassment. they had came down from their rooms upstairs, presumably to check what chan-yong had been yelling about.

everyone was still drowsy and grumpy, and min-ho was sure it was because they could already feel a hangover coming.

yong-in growled. "what the fuck, i'm tryna sleep here, hyung."

jae-hyuk was equally pissed. "god damnit. why the hell are y'all yelling at 3am in the morning? people are tryna sleep here!"

min-seung was still sniffling softly, clearly not done crying yet. seong-jin looked 100% done with min-seung's emotional outbursts and his annoyance only increased when chan-yong had yelled. 

ji-min looked half dead. so did seung-ju.

chan-yong wasn't sorry though.

"our little midlaner here... has a crush on sk telecom t1's midlaner, faker," he grinned smugly.

it took five seconds for that to sink in.

five seconds later, it was a total chaos.

"holy fucking shit! min-ho finally admitted it!" yong-in laughed.

"is my ship gonna sail?!" ji-min spoke up, much to everyone's surprise.

"i knew it! i knew something was up whenever min-ho insisted to watch faker's streams!" seong-jin pumped his fist in the air.

"waaaaaaaaaaaaah," min-seung began sobbing again, "i have another reason to cry happy tears now!"

the whole gaming house was a loud mess now, leaving min-ho silently drowning in his embarrassment.


now they'll all never stop teasing him...

[✔] crushed // ssg crown x skt fakerWhere stories live. Discover now