'dig deeper' tag 🌹

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Tagged by two beauties -jiminish and michonnes

1. Do you prefer writing with blue or black pen?
- always black pen i hate blue oops

2.would you prefer to live in the country or city?
- I went from living on a farm with literally 10 fields completely surrounding me to living in Sydney and I love both,, maybe live in the country side but close to a city???

3.if you could learn a new skill what would it be?
- flirting

4.do you drink tea or coffee with sugar?

5.what was your favourite book as a child?
- yo not gonna lie we couldn't afford books so I didn't get to read proper books till I was 8/9 when I did it was 'the night people' and all the goosebumps books

6.do you prefer baths or showers?

7.if you could be a mythical creature, what would you be?
- I would be a fairy bc in Irish mythology they're really bad and ppl would be like "omg a fairy" then I'd rob them

8.do you prefer reading paper or electronic books?

9.what is your favourite item of clothing?
- my cute peach socks and thigh highs!!!!

10.do you like your name? Would you ever change it?
-I wish I had more of a distinctively Irish name but ya know,, I was named after the river Shannon so. I'd love to change my name tbhh

11.who is a mentor to you?
- myself

12.would you ever want to be famous? If so, what for?
-I'm an artist

13.Are you a restless sleeper?

14.do you consider yourself romantic?
- I'm not sure, I shown affection through actions not words so I guess???

15.which element best represents you?
-Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years passed and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Aang. And although his airbending skills are great, he has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone. But I believe Aang can save the world.

16.who do you want to be closer to?
-a certain someone ("":

17.do you miss someone at the moment?
-Too many people

18.whats the strangest thing you've eaten?
-it's normal for me to eat cow tongue, cow blood, cows heart and pigs feet. To me it's not strange but other ppl are like what the heck djdjfj

19.what can you see outside your bedroom window?
-A rose bush covers my window so that's what I see

20.what are you most thankful for?
- although we don't get along I'm thankful for all the things my mother has done for me

21.do you like spicy food?
-I fucking LOVE it

22.have you ever met anyone famous?
- I met one of the James bonds when I was younger, Niall Horan, Danisnotonfire and just a small group called bts 🤔

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