Chapter 15 pre- pre-finale pt 1

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This is the actual pre-pre finale. In which I am going to have Marks Point of view of when they were in highschool. So yeah I guess enjoy the actual pre pre finale!


Mark's POV

I walked down the hall with Bob and Wade, laughing at the joke we made. I always had a great time with school really. It wasn't hard, I just pretended not to pay attention so I looked cool, consodering I was on the football team and was the quarterback. It felt great to be popular. I loved the attention, but at the same time I hated it.

I kinda missed the old days with Y/N and F/N. I just wish we could all three hang out again. Like how we used to, but I can't, I'm a jock and Y/N and F/N are one of the most unpopular people at the school. My reputation could hit rock bottom by just looking at one of them, that's why I bullied Y/N.

Even though I was still in love with her from 7th grade, I had to do it, I had to bully her.

I sighed and walked up to Y/N's locker and slammed it on her, she turned and glared at me.

"I should've known you would be here," she scowled. I just grinned and chuckled it off, like usual. I raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"Oh really?"

"Yes really! Now leave me alone, I have to get to class," Y/N snapped and tried to walk away. I pulled her back and slapped her books off of her arms. Y/N cursed under her breath and bent down to pick up her books.

I pushed her over and stepped almost on top of her. Everyone in the hall were laughing and taking pictures of Y/N.

I felt so bad, but I just walked off like nothing had happened.


Y/N jumped up and down trying to reach her book she was currently reading. I was beside the pool dangling the book roght above the water. Y/N's eyes went wide with worry and hurt. She tried to grasp the book, but I quickly threw it into the pool.

Y/N slumped down by the edge and started to cry. I laughed and tried to walk away, then she started to speak.

"You know, my mum gave that book to me. You know before she ran off. I cherished the book, but now it's gone. The only thing left of my mum is now gone, all thanks to you." Y/N kept her head down while I turned around, I forgot. I forgot her mother gave her that book. How could I ever forget that!

"Well it doesn't matter," I started, but Y/N cut me off.

"Yes it does! It's not always my fault! And yet you treat me like it is, I just, I just cant believe you! We were friends, best friends, and now you're my bully. I hate you." She whispered.

"I wish I never met you," Y/N whispered even more quietly. My heart shattered into thousands of pieces, how could she say that?

I stumbled out of the pool area and into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and saw something.

I saw a jerk. A jerk who didnt like himself and his true friends. A jerk who needed to be punched in the gut. A jerk that deserved the words that came out of Y/N's mouth.

I washed my face off and walked out, I looked in the pool area to see that Y/N was gone. The book was still there, but it was starting to disappear, like her.


I walked home into my house, my older brother Tom hugged me and led me to the table. My mom was in tears, I looked around for dad, but he was no where to be found.

Mom looled at me and sniffled, she ran up to me and hugged me. "Where, where's Dad?" I stumbled over my words.

Mom looked at me in the eyes.

"He's in the hospital, they found out he has cancer, and he wont be able to live any longer." Mom sobbed after she said that and held onto me tighter.

Dad was dying? I couldn't believe it. Pain and greif hit me in the stomach. Was this what is was like to lose someone?


So that was part one, I'll try to update later tomorrow no promises, but yeah hope you guys have a good day buh-bye!!!

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