Party Night

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After a couple knocks on the door, the door is flung open to reveal Uriah, with yet another girl under his arm. But this one I don't recognize.

He invites us in enthusiastically, as he is already completely drunk. We step in, and the Pedrad's apartment is packed. There are way more people here than the last time. Zeke and Four are in the corner talking, each with a beer in hand, and they smile when they see me. They weave their way through the crowd, and stop right in front of us. Their eyes look to Eric, whom is retreating to get him and I a drink.

"He's not going to let us pull anything good with you like we did the last time, is he?" Zeke shouts over the music and other people. I chuckle and shake my head.

"Nope. And don't piss him off, because I will have to deal with that later. And if you do, I will make sure you suffer my wrath!" I tell them, and they laugh like I'm joking, but little do they know, I am dead serious. Ha ha ha.

Eric comes back, with my vodka cran. So the boys turn away from us, and face the crowd.

"Game of Candor or Dauntless begins now!" Zeke shouts, and the crowd gets really quiet and really fast. Everyone assembles in a circle in the living room, and Eric and I hang out in the back of the circle, standing.

"I'm going first! Eric, Candor or Dauntless?!" Zeke yells from across the room, and my jaw drops, absolutely shocked that Eric would get picked first, by Zeke of all people. I smile, and face him. He is already looking down at me.

"Dauntless." Eric answers, and I roll my eyes. Stupid men and their obnoxious attitudes.

"I dare you to get a tattoo of your girlfriend's choice, on your ass!" Zeke shouts through a slur, and everyone howls in laughter. I know Eric won't refuse this dare, as he is much too worried about his fragile reputation.

Eric's cheeks turn a slight shade of red, and he looks down to me, hoping for an out, but I just laugh and shake my head.

"Unless you would like to share your chest with the world, you and I better get going." I smile, and Eric rolls his eyes, sighing.

"Let's go." He mutters irritably, and we head down to the tattoo parlour in the Pit, with the whole party in tow, as everyone has to see Eric follow through with his dare.

Eric heads to the back of the studio to one of the tattoo rooms with the male tattoo artist, while I search the aisles for an interesting tattoo.

"What are you getting for him?" Hayley asks, coming up behind me. She actually stumbles into me, and I look down, seeing has a bottle of rum in her small hand. No wonder she ran into me. I look around for Sterling, hoping he is somewhere near her, but I have no such luck.

"Something that he won't like." I chuckle, and Hayley howls with laughter. She is sooo drunk.

"Well that isn't too hard." She says, and I just so happen to stumble across the Amity symbol when Sterling shows up to take Hayley. Perfect.

I take it off the rack and back to the room where Eric and the tattoo artist are.

Just before I open the door, I mutter to myself, "I guess I better start digging my own grave."


A hour or so later, Eric's tattoo is done. I told him he couldn't know until later what the tattoo is, and when he complained, I just said he would love it. Jokes on him.

Everyone went back to Zeke's apartment when I denied to tell them the tattoo I selected as well. I want it to be a big surprise for everyone, including Eric.

We head back up to Zeke's, and when we walk in the door, everyone is screaming and laughing. I rush in, and just get a glimpse of Tobias slipping into a closet.

No way! He just went into a closet with a girl! He wasn't joking earlier when he said he was getting laid.

When Zeke's eyes land on us, he shouts my name.

"Choose your fate, little red!"

Oh no. I have no idea. I mean, I have enough clothes on to strip if I don't like my dare, but do I really want people thinking of me as a chicken? Shit, shit, shit.

"Dauntless." I answer quickly, still unsure of myself.

"Kiss the ugliest guy in this room!" Uriah shouts, and my jaw drops. Did he really just dare me to do that?! But then I get an idea. Two can play this game, so I don't even bother looking at all the other guys in the room, I just decide to walk straight up to Uriah and kiss him. To say he's shocked is an understatement.

Everyone goes ballistic and starts calling Uriah out, hard. Uriah scowls at me as I walk back to Eric, and Eric is smirking at me.

"That's my girl." Eric whispers in my ear, and I smile proudly.

By this time, Tobias and the girl are walking out of the closet, and they both look like they've been royally fucked. I wolf whistle them, and then everyone joins in.

Four looks to me in annoyance, but he has a smile across his face, a very happy smile.

"Someone looks like they got laid." Eric mutters, and I laugh.

"Royally." I comment. "My turn!" I yell over the crowd, and everyone settles down.

"Lynn, Candor or Dauntless?!" I shout to the blonde across the room. She smirks at me.

"Dauntless. What do you have up your sleeve there, A?" Lynn asks, and I cock my eyebrow.

"Chug that whole bottle of whiskey, and spin the bottle. Whomever it lands on, you have to kiss." I tell her, and everyone erupts in cheers and laughter. Lynn shakes her head at me, but doesn't back down from the gutsy dare. That is why I picked Lynn; I knew she would give everyone a show without a bat of her eye.

Lynn is quick to finish the whiskey, and she places the bottle on the concrete floor of the apartment.

With the flick of her wrist, the bottles spins around and around. As it begins to slow, everyone holds their breath.

The bottle stops, and it is facing...


Eric and I are the first to cry out laughing. Lynn just walks across the room, and kisses a rather eager, and drunk, Zeke. Everyone 'ooo's and laughs.

The game continues on, but Eric and I decide to slip away. As soon as we are in the hallway alone, Eric grabs my hand in his.

"Have fun tonight?" Eric asks me.

"Oh yeah. Zeke's parties are my favourite, and for a reason." I giggle.

"Mhmm. So what's my tattoo?" Eric asks, looking at me intently.

"Umm, you'll have to see when we get back." I tell him, biting my lower lip, trying not to spill.

"That's really cute when you bite your lip like that, but you're doing a shitty job of diverting my attention, Ms. Dalton." Eric says truthfully as we walk into my apartment.

"Well then be my guest. Go to the bathroom and find out." I tell him, and he nods, heading for there bathroom.

Within a few moments, I get my answer.

"What the freaking fuck?! Arielle!!"

Hey guys, I'm sorry for the late update! Pre-cal test today, and a very busy day before! Hope you liked the very eventful party night!

Have a wonderful night/day lovelies!

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