Girl Time

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***Arielle's POV***

I strip my shirt off, revealing my body in a black satin bra. It is one of the plainest, but comfiest, bras I have. I wish Eric saw me in something a little sexier, but what the hell, right?

"Arielle, why don't you take a bath, and I'll go check in with the nurse?" Eric speaks up, and I frown. He just agreed to this... did he not? I turn to face him, and he is still fully clothed. My heart rate speeds up, and my palms get clammy in my worried state. Why is he still clothed? Is he leaving? Am I doing something wrong? What did I do? 

Oh no, he hates my body. Do I look ugly? Do I look fat, or something along those lines? He is staring at me, gulping and swaying on his feet. He's nervous. Oh god, he's breaking up with me, oh no. He's breaking up with me, while I'm standing here in front of him, half naked. What a way to be broken up with...

"I don't remember her saying we needed to check in this morning, if this is about this-" I begin, trying to backtrack my sudden forwardness. This was so wrong, and now I've screwed it up. Way to go Arielle, make it worse for yourself.

"New bandages, plus letting her know how you're doing. I'll be back soon, baby, enjoy yourself." Eric says it so quickly that I fear he may stumble over his words, but he never does. Why is he leaving and not breaking up with me? Is he trying to drag this break up on longer, for his own pleasure? Oh my god, I can't believe this

He kisses me quickly on the temple, and is out of the apartment before I can say another word. My heart almost tears, and I crouch down with tears running down my face. 

Why is he doing this to me? I only wanted to make him happy, and he's trying to break up with me for that. Why me? Ugh, I only wanted what was best for us, and instead I fucked it all up.

I throw on my top, and run out of the apartment and across the hall to Blake and Cole's apartment. I frantically knock on the door, wiping the endless tears away from my face.

The door whips open, and Cole faces me.

"Arielle, what happened?" He asks me worriedly, and I smile softly.

"It's a long Blake here?" I ask him, and he nods, stepping aside from the doorway and letting me inside. I walk inside and sit on the couch in their living room.

"Blake, Arielle's here!" Cole shouts into the apartment, and I here the pixie-like footsteps of Blake coming across the apartment from behind me. She jumps over the couch and sits beside me, excited to see why I'm here. But her smile falls as soon as she sees my tear-stricken face.

"Cole, go find something to do for a little bit, okay? Arielle and I have to talk for a while." Blake tells Cole without even asking what's wrong. This is why she's my best friend.

"Ok, I'll see you later love. Bye Arielle." Cole says, and I mumble a barely audible bye. As soon as the door closes, Blake whips around and faces me, with anger in her face and features. She is clenching and unclenching her fists.

"I'm going to kill that son of a-" Blake begins, but I cut her off.

"I don't even know what's happening Blake! It might just be me, but I don't know. I feel so confused..." I trail off. she nods in undertanding, and gets off the couch, heading to the kitchen. I follow her, and sit at her breakfast bar. She makes two cups of chamomile tea, her favourite, and hands me one. I sip it, and let the warmth fill me.

"What'd he do? Do I have to castrate him? Maybe even pop him once or twice in the nose?" Blake asks, and I laugh quietly.

"Oh, Blake. I don't even know. We had a wonderful evening last night, and a perfect breakfast this morning, but me being the stupid person I am suggest we should have a bath, together." I begin my explanation, and Blake is listening intently. If it weren't for my lack of happiness right now, I would be laughing at how fast her facial expression changed from word to word. "So I am beginning to run the water and strip, and Eric starts saying he needs to go see the nurse, for me!" I exclaim, and Blake rolls her eyes.

"That prick." She mutters.

"And so I say that we didn't need to go see her, and I tried to back track my steps, but he cuts me off by just telling me to enjoy my bath and that he'll be back later." I tell her, and I rub my temples. "He didn't even start taking his clothes off or anything. He was just watching me, and then when he made his excuse, he looked so nervous, like he had something really big to say, or that he was hiding something-"

"Like what?" Blake asks curiously. Her curiosity and honesty always gets the better of her manners, that is just the hardwired Candor in her roots. I'll always love her for it.

"Like he wants to break up with me. I feel like he's dragging this out, and it's killing me, Blake. I don't want to ask him about it, because what if I'm wrong? What if it's something else that is trying so hard to tell me but can't do it, or he can't find the right words. I'm so confused Blake, what should I do?" I ask her, finally reaching the end of my rant. She looks at me with kind and understanding eyes.

"Baby, you need to talk to him. This happened to Cole and I once, during initiation before we were dating. We both expressed feelings for each other one night when we were alone together, but the next day came, and he treated me like nothing happened the night before. He kept pushing me away, treating us like we were 'just friends,' and that scared me. I poured myself out for him, and then he doesn't even act like we talked about anything, just plain old friends. So instead of sitting around thinking about it, I talked to him about it, and we worked it out, which was the night he asked me out. We've been together ever since. So just talk to him girly, and it'll all be okay. If it's meant to be, it'll be." Blake says, and I smile, hugging her tightly.

"Thanks lovely, you always set me straight when I'm way in over my head." I tell her, and she smiles.

"You're welcome, babe. Now, I need you to come with me and help me sort out my closet. It needs some serious reworking, and I think you need to get your mind off of everything." Blake states, and I nod. Eric is going to have to wait, I have a closet in distress to deal with, or so Blake says.

Sorry for the crappy chapter, I hope you lovelies enjoy it though! XOXO

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