Dear Theodosia

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Classes seemed to drag on longer than usual today and I was dreading it. "Ugh I'm so tired"I got up stretching popping my joints in the process. "Awayuki-San the headmaster would like to see you." One of my classmates said and I internally screamed while walking over to his office am I in trouble?."Ah good afternoon Awayuki-san"he shook my hand and I nodded nervously . "Good afternoon headmaster so why did you call me in here today " he gestured me to sit down and he stared out the window. " I know that your mother died a year ago and that you're living with your grandmother but there something I need to tell you " he took a deep breath and started speaking again "Me and your mother were best friend we always were together no matter what , after she died I was supposed to take care of you seeing as I'm your godfather but I just  couldn't bear the grief. So I wanted to apologize for leaving you but seeing you now makes me regret not raising you but now I've decided to be apart of your life now" he turned to me crying and I caught me off guard. "Could you tell me more about my mother " my eyes started to water at the thought of my mother I gripped the edges of skirt as he sat down in front of me.

Dear Theodosia what to say to you

You have her eyes you have your mother's name

When you came into this world she cried it broke my heart

She dedicated  day everyday  to you

Domestic life was never quite her style but when you smiled

You knocked her out she fell apart she said she was so smart

You have come of age with our great  nation

She bleed and fought for you I'll make it right for you

She laid a strong enough foundation

She passed it on to you she gave the world to you

And you'll blow us all way

Someday someday

Tears flowed down my cheek like a waterfall when he sang . It was her life story how she felt and what she did. He hugged me and I cried in his arms. "It's okay I miss her too" After a few minutes of talking and tears I left his office. Thinking about the stories he told me I laughed a little we were the same in every way. As I'm walking to the Festival committee house i look at the twilight sky. "Sorry for being late I'm -"I got cut off by paint , ink, flowers and feathers being thrown. " NO! We should do this " I saw three new members and my eye started twitching. " Ten hut! Stand at arrest" they all automatically stand still with their hands behind their backs. "No will someone explain to me why is this place a mess and paint is on my clothes!" They all looked scared and I sighed going to the bathroom to change into some clothes. When I got back they were still standing like I said. "At ease soldiers now get to cleaning"I said "Aw man but aren't woman supposed to-"I threw a rag at the blonde's face and sat down drinking some coffee and cookies watching them as they cleaned.

"Teika could you explain to me why were you guys fighting " I said still irked that ink was on my face for the second time since I've gotten here. "We were deciding on what to do for the Festival and we were stuck. " he said glaring at me I laughed and looked a them in amusement. " Just make a performance where all of your talents get to show." I said smiling. They all agreed with the idea and we started planning. "You could go to your dorm now I'm fine being by myself " he told me after everyone had left it was late at night and everyone had already left it was only me and Teika. "It's okay i wouldn't feel right leaving you here all alone. " I yawned straring at him with half lidded eyes. "I'm done now" he said I watched as he left but he stopped in the door frame to say something "Goodnight Shiroi"his cheeks had a light blush and I smiled to myself knowing that I'm breaking through his icy walls

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